From the NEWS desk of Tom Mongelli:
· Sun 10/30: Ocean County Fall Furfest - Southern Ocean Animal Facility, Manahawkin
· Mon 10/31: For some, fun…for some, an observance…for some, a pagan ritual…but don’t ruin Halloween for the kids.
· Thu 11/3: Initial brief filings, Latino Coalition v. Freehold Borough
· Mon 11/7: Oyster Creek Media Orientation Day, Toms River. The snacks that are glowing are for looking, not eating.
· Tue 11/8: Election Day. A lot like Halloween, except with not as many treats
· Wed 11/9: ATG
· Thu & Fri 11/10-11: NJEA, Atlantic City
· Tue 11/15: Homeless Advocates v. Ocean County, Superior Court, Toms River
· Wed 11/16: Ocean County Human Relations Commission meets, Toms River
· Thu 11/17: Monmouth Court System Adoption Day, Freehold
· Mon 11/21: ATC
· Thu 11/24: Thanksgiving
Hhmmmmmm? What's this I see on the news, the Northeast (Ocean County) received an early "wake-up call" from Mother Nature, in the form of a rare, rare, rare October blizzard??!! Well, it's a GOOD thing that I split for sunny Florida when I did, last week!! Here, in The Sunshine State, we have sunny skies, and balmy temperatures!! As Bob Levy asked, years and years ago, "if you had a choice between being homeless in New York City, OR Key West, Florida, WHAT would you DO?? Duh???
"The root cause of ALL the world's problems, today, is overpopulation."
- Bob Levy.
Gee, Bob is going to wake-up with one ENORMOUS migraine headache, tomorrow, isn't he? According to the headline in today's New York Daily News, the total human population on earth is going to hit seven billion, tomorrow.
Anyone who reads a few of these blogs will quickly realize that Bill from Toms River is highly intelligent and well versed in a multitude of areas. He has an exceptional writing ability .. his being clear, concise, timely and most of all, extremely interesting. He is an outstanding contributor to this blog and a positive influence on it.
Anonymous, on the other hand, contributes nothing to the blog. He has nothing positive to say about anything, and his influence is all negative. He is like a broken record repeating the same thing:"Hey Bill, STUF", over and over again ad nauseum. It's clear, that the only reason he comes onto this blog is to rant and rave about Bill from Toms River ... and, in that case ... Hey Anonymous, STFU and GET OFF THIS BLOG, you're not welcome here .. all you do is drag it down into the gutter where you, but not it, belong. Stupid is as stupid does!
Thank you, Sheila M!! As far as the anonymous poster goes, I am personally done with him/her/it(?).
This could be a wonderful blog IF Bob Levy were to EVER draw attention to it on the air. For his own reasons (me, primarily), he won't. Thank you, again, Sheila M. for choosing to post, here.
Thank you, Debbie, for YOUR positive contribution, as well!!
To reiterate something I stated in my earlier post, I wish Bob Levy would lose the chip-on-his-shoulder, and draw listeners' attention to this forum. Some people are shy, retiring or self-conscious and will NEVER call Bob, on-the-air. This is a wonderful place for them to be heard. Thanks, again, Debbie!!
"If you want to be part of our group (Who me? Camping-out in NYC in November? No thanks! I prefer the sunny, balmy Sunshine Skies of Florida!), you have to be civilized."
- Paul Issac, 45.
Occupy Wall Street Security
You know, I've thought about the Occupy Wall Street "movement" from just about EVERY conceivable angle, and I CAN'T for the life of me understand just WHAT they are accomplishing, except making it difficult for the people that live, there, OR who are operating businesses to earn a living. The One Percenters that the "protesters" are "protesting" against? Not affected. The Ninety-Nine Percenters, like themselves? They're feeling the squeeze!! When the late Martin Luther King organized demonstrations and protests, HE got results!!
Surprise surprise, Obamacare is going to reduce the deficit. Take a look at this.
I think bill is posting under various female names. It is hard to believe he is such a "ladies man". I refer to the list of places he can be seen. Also, he believes Jimmy Carter was our worst president. He can not understand OWS. Intelligent and smart? The bar on this blog isn't that low. His plagiarism remains unrivaled. OBAMA 2012 !!!! LET US NOT REPEAT THE MISTAKES OF 1980,1984,1988,2000 AND 2004. READ YOUR HISTORY AND LEARN !!!!!!!!!!!!
Hay Mike I L U
Oh, well, I'm NOT on EVERYBODY'S Top Ten List, as mikejsal's post clearly indicates. It doesn't matter, at least HE has contributed a point-of-view. Here, in St. Petersburg, Florida, it's currently 62 sunny degrees, at ten o'clock a.m. The weather forecast says we're going to climb to a high of 80 degrees, today.
Keep those opinions coming, folks!
To Mikejsal ...............
I can assure you that Bill from Toms River did not post anything under my name ... anything that says: "Sheila M said" was written by me, a genuine female.
I too write my own blogs & I too am positively female ...... so Mike ... STFU !
mikejsal, it appears that YOU are making friends, and influencing people, the SAME way that Anonymous is on this board. ADVICE: Keep your barbs and insults confined to the issues, NOT to other posters.
The temperature, here, in St. Petersburg, Florida, is currently 63 degrees at 10:21 a.m. The high is going to be a nice 81 degrees, with sunny skies (well, this IS The Sunshine State! The humidity is 94%, witha wind of 7 mph NNE.
"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."
- Rogers Hornsby, Famous Major
League Baseball player, and
a member of the Hall of Fame.
Correction. The humidity, here, in St. Petersburg, Florida, is only 57%. The earlier report of 94% must have been erroneous. Watch and see HOW mikejsal and Anonymous crucify me for THAT one!!
Huh, son of a gun! I see that WOBM-AM & WOBM-AM have re-designed their websites. In order to get on the Topic A Blog, you have to type it into Google, apparently (??). At least THAT'S how I got, here! Seems to me that they have filled the websites with a LOT of pop-culture crap. The websites seem to represent life, as we know it, today: A heavy (I mean HEAVY!) amount of "celebrity news."
Oh, I've just been informed, Andy Rooney, late of "60 Minutes," has passed-away. At age 92! Bob is getting close to 92 isn't he? Remember when "Eleanor," from Toms River, called Bob on the phone to wish him a happy birthday, and he hung up on her? I do.
"Eleanor," from Toms River, WAS the best caller that Bob Levy EVER had. Yes, better than "Phil," even. After Bob "dissed" her by hanging up on her, "Eleanor" NEVER called-in, again. I never forgave Bob for THAT lack of etiquette.
I believe Sheila M may have a good sense of humor and some class. You would not happen to be a twin would you? Now Debbie, didn't get the joke, and shows her ignorance. bill doesn't want to debate the issues. He wants to be the "HIPPY DIPPY WEATHERMAN" of St Pete. I prefer Carlin. Watch out for Palin bill. You know how she feels about the "Weathermen" named Bill.
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