Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 11, 2011

Sam Stellatella from Toms River, received a very bad rap for supporting Jerry Sandusky by sending him a $100 to help with his defense back in April when Sandusky was being investigated by a grand jury but nobody knew what for or had any idea it would turn out like it did.

General: Iran won't return U.S. drone it claims to have.


Zakaria and Baer: Downed U.S. drone an intel catastrophe

"Putin Out," Russian protesters chant
By the CNN Wire Staff

Santacon is a non-denominational, non-commercial, non-political and non- sensical Santa Claus convention that occurs once a year for absolutely no reason.

Bam blows candles

Obama Refused To Recover Or Destroy Captured Drone

(Reuters) - Palestinian leaders said on Saturday U.S. Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich had invited more conflict in the Middle East by calling the Palestinians an "invented" people who want to destroy Israel.


Fire Sale said...

I was hoping to find the ballot question for the secret fire election coming this Thursday and the times that the polls would be open. I'm glad this blog is back.

George said...

Romney and Newt (also known as Flip and Flop) are open for all to see.
Romneycare mandated fines if your heathcare plan is not up to Massachusetts state standards.
Love scene with Newt on the park bench with Nancy Pelosi, kissing up to Climate Change with audio.

George said...

Google "A computer could catch Newt and Mitt flipping and flopping" and "Paul Mulshine"
as the link got cut off above.