Sunday, July 27, 2008

July 27, 2008

Just because Sunday morning is over, doesn't mean Topic A has to end!
Get it off your chest! You'll feel a lot better!

The posted 55 mph speed limit on the parkway is working!
People are driving slower and going 75mph rather than 85mph.

Obama in Germany. Too bad their vote doesn't count!

Did Obama have his hand on the Koran (Qur'an) when he was sworn into office?

You hear why people won't vote for Obama, but you don't hear why they will vote for McCain!

Caller has picture of Hitler hanging in garage.

Should we have universal beach passes for all beaches in New Jersey?

Movie of the week.

With Sheree North.

Brian Williams is not a jerk!

Why are the major networks following Obama?

Caller says "Obama is a gamble"

"Leaving shopping carts in a handicap parking space is inconsiderate to our fellow man."

McCain says "I would rather lose a war than a campaign"

Should the National Anthem be used for commercials?
Mountain Dew Commercial - Dewmocracy - Tug of War

What is more news worthy, World events or celebrities?

Congress bans incandescent bulbs by 2014.

Mercury in fluorescent lights.

The earths atmosphere contains 78% nitrogen.

Toms River Township Animal Facility

A Callers "Must See" movie recommendation.

A special thanks to those who participate in the comment section. "Thank You"
And keep those comments coming!

Monday, July 21, 2008

July 20, 2008

$200G-salary school chiefs' ranks growing.

Is the New Yorker cover politically correct?

Can you tell about a person just by looking at them?

H.G. Wells Quotes.

Movie of the week.

Iraq Coalition Casualty Count.

Baby Toads at WOBM

Did Belmars Mayor go to far?

Qualifications for the Office of President.

Presidential Oaths of Office.

Caller says "Only the Democrats would be able to clean up Americas problems".

Bobs idea of kayaking!

Only if it has a motor!

Should suicide be illegal?

Is the Illuminati ruling the word?

Write Topic A a comment and let Bob know your thoughts! Your ideas could be on the next topic on Topic A!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

July 13, 2008

Wall Street divorces are up!

Tony Snow dies.

Bobby Murcer dies.

Mets baseball! Can they win 9 in a row?

Wheel house Marina. Is it being run down by the state?

Albert music Hall. Good music, good times.

Today is the last day for the Ocean County Fair!

Is Phil Gram for real?

Joyce Kilmer "Trees"

Carbon dioxide is recognized as the biggest culprit to global warming.

T Boone Pickens Plan.

BEACHWOOD Free Concert.

The borough Recreation Department and the Ocean County Department of Parks and Recreation are sponsoring a concert to be held at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at Beachwood Beach.
The concert is part of the "Carousel of Music" concert series, according to Councilman Steve Komsa. Live music will be provided by Sentimental Journey, and admission is free. Audience members should bring their own chairs. There is no rain date.
For more information, call Komsa at (732) 232-7983.

Are humans the reason for the Earths problems?

Should board meetings be printed on the front page of news papers?

Sex offender released in Vermont.

Write Topic A a comment and let Bob know your thoughts! Your ideas could be on the next topic on Topic A!

Monday, July 7, 2008

July 6, 2008

Just because it's not Sunday doesn't mean Topic A has to end!

Get it off your chest! You'll feel a lot better!

How are the prices at the pump affecting you?

Is a national 55 mph speed limit the solution to save gas?

Noise on the air!
As the producer of Topic A, I can say there is nothing more irritating than a dilemma that I have no control over. With all the modern technology that has been installed into the studio, the noise is from the old phone lines themselves. So until the phone company updates their service lines, there is nothing that can be done from our end. However, the noise does seem to go away as the show goes on. And remember....if you think that noise aggravates you......imagine how I feel! ;)

A special thanks to Gloria for mentioning the blog on the air! Thanks Gloria!

Pleasant Plains Volunteer Fire Department

Would you be happy with no mail on Saturday to save the post office on fuel costs?

Should NASCAR be banned to save the environment?

Should we build a motorcycle lane on our streets?

What is Obama up to?

Will today's Americans be the future immigrants into other countries?

When is it OK for children to live in a senior community?

CONTACT of Ocean County
It begins with a telephone call.
It’s from anywhere, at any time of day.
It is desperation and hopelessness, anger or fright.
It is a need to hear a caring human voice –
To talk, to seek help, to be heard.

Someone to listen…
Someone who cares.

To speak to a volunteer, call:
732-240-6100 or 609-693-5834

July 8 to 13, 2008
Robert J. Miller Air Park, Route 530 Berkeley Township, NJ

How to save energy!

What annoys you on an everyday basis?

1) Free news papers that you're not interested in?

2) Confusing phone menu's?

3) Telemarketers?

4) Junk mail?

Are these kind of road signs considered pollution?

Write Topic A a comment and let Bob know your thoughts! Your ideas could be on the next topic on Topic A!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

June 29, 2008

Clinton endorses Obama!

How safe is water in the Barnegat Bay?

Obama's Global Poverty Act Bill S 2433 .

Berkeley D.A.R.E.

Is the Supreme Court doing enough for America?

What is the definition of a Recession?

What happened to respect on our society?

Albert Music Hall. Great Music, Great fun!!

How large is the Ozone layer?

Is the Arctic getting smaller?

Is there a Liberal vs Conservative civil war?

Union Of Concerned Scientist.

How bad is China's air quality?

Are you concerned about your contractor?
Know who you're doing business with!
Gay marriage.
Words of wisdom for the week:
"You are the center of your universe".