Sunday, December 14, 2008

December 14, 2008

Governor Blagojevich

Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC

$14B auto bailout dies in Senate

Toy drop off by Boscoves in Toms River

Full-time pre-school bill.


Anonymous said...

Why isn't that bill number on the Full-time pre-school getting rammed down our throats on this blog?!

Don't tell me that anything Bob disagrees with is censured!

Our property taxes won't go down if we can't vote on School spending.

Automatic raises to everyone at the schools and superintendents means translates into non-stop waste!

Bob please include topics that are spoken despite your feelings on them. Let us decide.

Anonymous said...

Bob, is there any truth to the persistent rumor that the middle eastern journalist at the heart of the President Bush shoe-throwing incident in Baghdad, last Sunday, is really your all-too-regular caller, "Phil," from Brick? New audio has surfaced that reveals that the man actually shouted, "Bob Levy hates your guts," before throwing the second shoe. I guess THIS is what is meant by, "waiting for the next shoe to drop."

Anonymous said...

Bob, could you please advise your audience that Applebee's Restaurant, in the Ocean County Mall, is accepting cash donations to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, and they will be doing so through Christmas Eve. No, I am NOT an employee of Applebee's.
Just someone who USED to GIVE generously to Tara Mark, when Melanie Meyer-Levin gave so much of her time to help the needy, here, in Ocean County. I think it's a shame that there isn't a similar organization, here, now, when we seem to NEED it the most.
Also, please tell your audience that the Salvation Army has a kettle in the mall, and that the United Way of Ocean County has a Coat Check, at the mall, adjacent to the new Benihana Restaurant, to collect funds to help the needy.
Thank you.