Sunday, September 6, 2009

September 6, 2009

Happy 30th Anniversary Bob Levys Topic A !

Labor Day is Officially Bob Levy day in Ocean County!
Big events over the past 30 years:

Robert Marshall
September 11 attacks
Haunted Castle at Six Flags Great Adventure
Baby M
NJ 'Tiger Lady' Loses Her Cats
Beck: Obama has "exposed himself as a guy" with "a deep seated hatred for white people"
Topic A clips to come!


Bill Heyer said...

Van Jones, President Obama's former Czar for Green Jobs, resigns because of a flap over a letter he signed giving support to a contention that 9/11 was an "inside job" perpetrated by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Bob allows his "lunatic fringe" to denounce Jones' resignation. Too bad Bob wasn't on the air back in spring of 1865. He'd probably allow HIS "lunatic fringe" to issue a proclamation congratulating John Wilkes Booth!!!

Carol in Forked River said...

I love it, a guy who has a blog and thinks it is an old horror movie... what a joke.

I just want to say your hateful response to George was unbelievable and totally uncalled for. You completely embarrassed the Mayor with your boorish behavior.

You owe George and the Mayor an apology!

JoeFromTomsRiver said...

What do you mean that "Bob allows his lunatic fringe to denounce Jones' resignation"? He allows anyone to say whatever they want. True, he doesn't take people to task as often as we'd all like, but you're free to call in and address these liberal cooks (who shall remain nameless). Oh I forgot, you're one of these guys who takes yourself so seriously that you stopped calling because of some juvenile hissy fit you had over something that happened on the show.