Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

From the NEWS desk of Tom Mongelli
· Mon 4/25 - Jackson Mayor Mike Reina and his CFO Sharon Pinkava explain to taxpayers why they need to go beyond the state-mandated two-percent property tax increase cap in the 4/27 referendum.
 · Mon 4/25 – State Senator Jennifer Beck’s state budget information session, Fair Haven.
· Tue 4/26 – ReClam The Bay Open House, Toms River
· Tue 4/26 – Chernobyl 26-year anniversary, Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch, Toms River
· Wed 4/27 – School Board Elections; Jackson, Brick and Plumsted voters decide whether to let municipal budgets exceed two-percent property tax increase limit or downsize their services (layoffs likely in that case). · Wed 4/27 – Fair Tax public info session with former Congressional candidate David Corsi, Toms River
 · Thu 4/28 – Toms River- Ocean County Chamber Gala, Eagle Ridge Golf Club, Lakewood
 · Fri 4/29 – Lakewood Homeless Advocates vs. Ocean County Freeholders, Ocean County Superior Court
 · Thu 5/5 – MODC Silver Gull Awards, Jumping Brook Country Club, Neptune
 · Fri 5/20 – NJ State Police – NJ Boy Scouts Camporee, Sea Girt
· Wed 5/25 – MODC Legislative Reception, Crystal Point Yacht Club, Point Pleasant

The Ocean County Board of Elections
April 27, 2011 : ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Annual School Election has been moved from Tuesday to Wednesday for Election Year 2011 only. Hours : Various to 9pm Registration Deadline : April 6, 2011,%20accessing%20some%20Obama%20birth%20info%20is%20easy%20
N.J. police salaries rank highest in nation with median pay of $90,672

Meet the Ocean County School Board Election Candidates
04/25/11 Monday night 7-9pm
Administration Building
101 Hooper Avenue, Toms River

Old Drugs Drop off


mikejsal said...

Poor Gerry gets it wrong again as he stands in for Chris. They are not TEA BAGGERS !!! They are TEA BAGEE'S as Palin leads the charge.

Carol in Forked River said...

From my post almost a year ago:
Carol in Forked River said...
If WOBM is going to allow the term "tea bagger" to be said on the air at Topic A and even from Bob Levy the host of Topic A, then there should be no problem with me posting the definition of tea bagging on Bob's Blog. "Tea bagging is when a male lowers his scrotum onto the head, face or inside the mouth of a sexual partner." I think Bob owes all the Tea Partiers in Ocean County (and everywhere)an apology for referring to the Tea Partiers to the sexually offensive slur "tea baggers".

May 23, 2010 1:40 PM

Carol in Forked River said...

To Bob, you are naive.

To Phil, you are not a stupid man and you know exactly what this term means.

To Denny, it is not just "words" it is an offensive term. I don't think you would appreciate someone coming up to you and calling you a tea bagger. I think you would be offended.

To Mike in Toms River, you are a juvenile.

mikejsal said...

chris, Why don't you tell us about chesapeake energy. They have a problem in Pa. But, inhofe is gonna have them drill on his property as he enjoys lighting up his tap water. It gives new meaning to a HOT SHOWER. He likes their checks even more.

mikejsal said...

carol, I'm gonna give you a pass. But, that is because of my respect for woman. Unless you are a male carol. In that case. You are a TEE BAGEE !!!!!

Carol in Forked River said...

I rest my case Mike, you are a juvenile.

Chris from Phoenix said...

How come the libtards aren't jumping for joy? Their messiah(small m) is in charge of the destruction of the greatest country on earth. Aren't they happy that he's taking the wealth of those who work and giving it to those who don't. Aren't they happy that credit our rating is being reduced to junk bond status. aren't they happy that the dollar is about to be replaced as the world currency of trade. Aren't they happy about gas and oil prices almost at $5/gallon. Aren't they happy the elderly on fixed incomes won't be able to heat and power their homes next winter that they'll have to choose between heating and eating. Aren't they happy the real unemployment rate is closer to 16% and still climbing. Aren't they happy the CBO figures on the stimulus package showing each job saved or created cost the taxpayer $276,000. Just so much joy the narcisistic sociopath hath wrought. I just spent 3 hours making a commercial for Judicial Watch about Obamma doing amnesty for illegal immigrants by executive order then granting voting rights thru motor voter law. Ya think it might drive up unemployment among Americans just a tad but Obamma cares so much about Americans jobs. It's about the votes don't ya know. Happy Happy

mikejsal said...

Why can't chris answer a question ? Because he hasn't seen it on faux news. Preach on.

mikejsal said...

carol. I guess you didn't read Paul's answer to your blog from May 23 of 2010. Just another non thinker that follows chris's lead and ignores anything that disproves the BS you spew as fact. Living in FR. You should be worried about the nuke plant.
If the worst thing in your life is being called a "TEA BAGGER". You must be doing OK. Remember that you have to have a case before you can rest it.

Carol in Forked River said...

Mike, I guess you didn't read my response to Paul's answer and the rest of your non sensical blathering makes me laugh.

"Carol in Forked River said...
So Bob is given a pass; so that makes it okay? A slur is a slur regardless of its origin. So WOBM, the "Hometown" station condones this type of derogatory sexual slur coming from the host of WOBM's Topic A? Paul, your response is inadequate. Bob still owes the Tea Partiers an apology."

The BS that I spew as fact was the definition of tea bagger. Look it up yourself "non thinker".

Oh, btw I find your obsession with Chris quite amusing and yet peculiar too.

May 24, 2010 6:48 PM

Chris From Phoenix said...

Mike simply has nothing to contribute so he's happy just to smear people I almost think he's not real but just the alter ego of Phil, Jack, Herb, and Bob. Carol you are right he's just an adolescent juvenile

Chris from Phx said...

Just wait for the next shoe to drop. In a speech on 4/21 Obama put forth amnesty for illegals 15-20 million of them. HMMMMMM that will really help the unemployment problem. Couple this with once they received amnesty another 6-8 million will rush in all with their hands out. They will all be eligible to vote in the next election because of motor voter laws and the Demoncrat party will achieve an iron fisted hegemony over this country because they will promise these new Demoncrat voters the food off your table, the shirt off your back and the roof over your head. As per Obammacare they will have FREE healthcare and hospitalization but you will have to pay for yours. But not to worry for you will soon be a small minority and then eligible for affirmative action. No scratch that it will never happen because you are the evil white anglo saxon protestant/catholic who brought nothing but misery upon this earth with the creation of this Constitutional Republic it must be destroyed so we can have one world government run by the likes of Soros and the UN America Adieu

George said...

April 28, 2011

This isn't what I expected when Chrisite campaigned promising to cut waste.

16 million tax dollars down the drain. When is Christie going to cut spending?

mikejsal said...

seems Paul had the last word on the blog.

Carol in Forked River said...

Mike, so you call Paul's last word to link to "Crooks & Liars", a mega politically left blog and that that would be a realiable source of information. Just keep posting, you are a real hoot.

mikejsal said...

So the tea party never referred to one another as a "TEA BAGGER'? Spin me some faux news proof. Maybe the financial genius in phx will jump in here. What a hero !!!! You guys are the jim and tammy faye of this blog. OBAMA SAYS "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"

Anonymous said...

Week ending just now showed new jobless claims up 474,000 largest in 8 months Some recovery, Yep the Lyin King tells the useful idiots it's getting better and they fall down in worship of their messiah