Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 11, 2011

Timeline for the day of the September 11 attacks
9/11 Facts Timeline: Ten-Page Summary
Verifiable Media Timeline of 9/11
Ten Years Later

President's Speech Gets Lukewarm Reception

Address by the President to a Joint Session of Congress

The Real Reagan Economic Record: Responsible and Successful Fiscal Policy

Plan for Canada-to-Texas oil pipeline moves forward after environmental review



mikejsal said...

" THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT CREATE JOBS" "REAGAN CREATED 19 MILLION JOBS" Quotes from the J.O. in PHX. PREACH ON SPIN MEISTER !!!!!! HOWS THAT POOL WATER ?????? There is no water for CA FARMS because they need to water the lawns and FILL POOLS in AZ. Also, who do you think is (or was) working on those farms?

mikejsal said...

Hey Denny, Hope Lou sends you a nice check. Via UPS OR Fedex of course. Can't wait till next week and my POSTAL UNION BROTHERS AND SISTERS ask Lou to explain how we don't need the "USPS" !!!!! The most trusted branch of the U.S. Government. Also, we use "ZERO" tax dollars.

JoeFromTomsRiver said...

Kudos to "Ron" for his patronizing and condescending "defense" of Paul, who Ron repeatedly referred to as a "black man". Funny that Ron came on shortly after I was referring to "reformed hippies".

Anonymous said...

mikejsal "ZERO" tax dollars???!

The USPS doesn't pay the gas tax, their vehicles don't pay any registration fees in any state as they have "US Gov't " plates, and yet they are still losing billions of dollars. . . . hmmm I wonder how many of my tax dollars will be used so that they will continue to use "ZERO" tax dollars ! ! !

mikejsal said...

I love right wing math.

mikejsal said...

Funny how Ron Paul said something, similar to what Paul said about the military, during the" tea bagees" debate. My favorite part was when some "BAGEES" yelled out YEA !!!! when Ron Paul was asked if a person should be left to die if they have no health insurance. Of course Ron Paul said "no". The church will pay with those "ZERO TAXED" dollars. PREACH ON !!!!!!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

FROM THE PAGES OF THE NEW YORK POST, Saturday, September, 17, 2011:

The Bloomberg Poll has revealed that Hillary Rodham Clinton has an approval rating of 64%. B-ROKE Hussein Obama? 50%. Mitt Romney?
42%. Rick Perry? 32%. Sarah Palin? 26%. Ron Paul? 32%. Michele Bachmann? 28%. John Boehner? 33%.

Bill, from Toms River said...


According to the Census Bureau, the poverty rate in the United States is now 15.1%. That's one out of seven people in the U.S.

Bill, from Toms River said...

If you take away the unemployed in this country, the under-employed and the people who have just plain given up seeking work, then the percentage of people ACTUALLY working is ONLY 47%. Gee, and to think, B-ROKE Hussein Obama STILL has well over a year to further sell-out our once proud nation to Red China. It must warm Bob Levy's heart to know that a Red Chinese group is negotiating to buy the Los Angeles Dodgers MLB franchise! Going once, going twice, SOLD to the Red Chinese!!

mikejsal said...

The la dodgers last owner was a "RED". Nice no show om 9\11 billy. You must have been too busy stealing blog material from the daily snooze !!!!! So sorry you are one of the poverty people. Keep sucking that" UNCLE SAM" teat.