Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 29th, 2011

Memorial Day

Memorial Day 2011

From the NEWS desk of Tom Mongelli:
·         Thu 6/2 – DEP’s last Beach Access Public Hearing, Long Beach Township
·          Sat 6/4, Sun 6/5 – NJ Association of Realtors Open House Weekend
·         Mon 6/6 – The Meeting, Ocean Township Campus
·         Mon 6/6 – Jersey Shore Partnership Summer Celebration, Sandy Hook
·         Tue 6/7 – Primary elections
·         Tue 6/7 – Southern Monmouth Business Expo, Spring Lake Heights
·         Thu 6/16 – Foreclosure Prevention Seminar, Toms River
·         Tue 6/21 – United Way of Ocean County United Day of Caring
·         Fri 6/24 – Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Monmouth & Middlesex Fundraiser, Asbury Park
·         Tue 7/5 (Tentative) – Homelessness Advocates vs Ocean County Freeholders, Ocean County Court, Toms River
·         Thu 7/7 – Summer weekly concert series begins, Asbury Park
·         Mon 7/11 – Statewide DCA Public Hearing on Proposal for ban of “bath salts” (designer drugs), Newark

Gov. Christie says extra aid to 31 of N.J.'s poorest school districts is driving up taxes

Gov. Christie, Dems weigh how to raise $500 million|topnews|text|Frontpage

Ocean County Memorial Day Events

Lawmaker Explores Climate Solution in Clearing Rain Forests
Dana Rohrabacher


Kings Row (1942)


Medicare Advantage plans 2011 undergoing significant change

2011 Changes for Medicare Advantage

Shale Boom in Texas Could Increase U.S. Oil Output

NJ Congressman Supports Drilling off Jersey Shore

Garrett Says Drill Baby, Drill Off Jersey Shore, Other State Reps Opposed – Toms River,

Sarah Palin tour creates a buzz

Cash for Clunkers

Cash for Clunkers more than twice as effective as first thought?

Clunky but effective
Hour 1 What did Bill Clinton tell Paul Ryan

Small Business’s Problem With Government Regulation

Ballot measure banning circumcision may be up for vote in Santa Monica

Judenrein in Sunny Southern California: Banning Male Circumcision

Who Wrote the Bible - A Letter from God

Who Wrote the Bible
   Storm Chasers
They had 24 minutes to escape the twister

The Story of Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

History of the Earth


He who no longer exists said...

OK boys and girls, as he who no longer exists predicted a year ago, gasoline, you know, that evil stuff that should be banned outright, should hit $5 this summer. This according to Goldman Sachs as reported in the NY Post. They anticipate $135 a barrel by mid summer. Hmmmmm I wonder how many on fixed incomes will be forced to choose between freezing to death or starving to death this coming winter. Think about it if you can think at all. Remember never let a good crisis go to waste. Oh and did I mention the 12 million acres of farm land that the Army Corp of Engineers just flooded. I wonder if that will have an impact on already exploding food prices. All while the diddler in chief fiddles. I know, this is all Bush's fault. After all when he left office gas was $1.99 gallon

Bill, from Toms River said...

Attn: He Who No Longer Exists, last year, I chose to spend the terrible winter months in Daytona Beach, Florida. My rent? $675.00 per month. No car, so no gasoline money. Oh, yeah, there was a soup kitchen directly across the street. I'm going to go back, this year, the day AFTER Halloween.
Levy has HIS cruises, and I have MY Daytona Beach.

Bill, from Toms River said...

If Bob Levy had a book club, the way Oprah Winfrey USED to have, I'd bet he'd have "Lost in Shangri-la," by Mitchell Zuckoff, at the top of the list. A real, non-fiction, World War II, pageturner. It was reviewed, favorably, in The New York Post, on Sunday. Read it, I intend to. A summer book!!

He who doesn't exist said...

YEA Daytona love that beach,that got me to thinkin me and the misses could make it on our SSI. But anyway according to the labor board new jobless claims were a seasonally adjusted 422,000 last week. This was higher than expected. How soon after a president leaves can he be given Sainthood status. Or in this case CHICAGOHOOD status

Bill, from Toms River said...

He Who No Longer Exists, okay, you've aroused MY curiosity, WHO are YOU?

Are you:

A. Fred, from Lacey?

B. Jimmy, from Bayville?

C. Robert, from Toms River?

D. Chris, from Phoenix?

If you ARE Chris, from Phoenix, are you telling me that Mr. Levy "greased the skids," for you, too? It's like the old Bob Grant Show: "Get off of MY phone!!" Hey, Chris, the ancient Mayans just revised their December 21, 2012 Doomsday Calendar. Instead of the world coming to an end, it's "Topic 'A'" that's coming to an abrupt end!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

WHY does the date of THIS blog read May 5th, 2011??? May 5th wasn't even on a Sunday, I believe it was on a Thursday. Cinco de Mayo!!! Yet ANOTHER drinking holiday, like St. Patrick's Day.
Our Fearless Host, Bob Levy, is ALWAYS talking about, "the root cause of ALL the world's problems, today, is overpopulation." Fine, just create a drinking holiday for every month of the year!! Voila, the cemeteries get filled-up, and the population goes WAAAAAAYYY down!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

WHAT'S with ALL the sex scandals, today? The French IMF guy, the Arab banker and now Congressman Weiner. Hhhmmmm??? Something in our drinking water, maybe? If THIS trend keeps up, soon the "Jersey Shore" guidos and guidettes (Snooki & Company) will be relegated to boring status. Can you just picture Bob Levy, on his NEXT cruise, springing out of his stateroom bathroom, stark naked, when some poor, unsuspecting maid comes in to make up the room??!! WOBM would probably find a way to keep it OUT of the papers. DARN!!!

He who no longer exists said...

He only wants people that fit his ideological bent so after 30 years I simply gave up. He doesn't want any one to upset his way of thinking. In other words "my mind is made up don't confuse me with the facts". There's another thing at work here. I grew up in TR and there was a large element of Socialist Secular Jewish people who moved into the Pleasant Plains Lakewood area during the depression from New York. Mostly they were chicken farmers but they brought with them a radical element. A large number also located to the depression era town built by the CCC and the National Recovery Act under Roosevelt. For the most part these were the intellectual radical socialists. Roosevelt became a radical commune long before the hippies came along. I dated a gorgeous young lady from there when I lived in Boston and she gave me much of the history that I relate here. D

He who does not exist said...

Funny that you brought up Robert. He and I attended two of Rush Limbaugh's television shows as part of the audience and afterwords went to Patsy's for dinner. In a word fabulous and it didn't break the bank. Rush sat a few tables behind us. I eventually got Robert a job working with me at NFIB

leWiffenpoof said...

To Bill from Toms River ....

Your question to He Who Does Not Exist as to WHO ARE YOU has been answered when he wrote that "he eventually got Robert a job working with him at NFIB" ....
The National Federation of Independent Business ... he is none other than CHRIS from Phoenix !!

He who doesn't exist said...

But then again maybe not as Bruce from Lakehurst also works for NFIB