Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 5th, 2011

Jersey Governor Chris Christie has done an about-face…and decided to pay for the helicopter he used to get to his son's baseball game - and a meeting with a delegation of Iowa republicans earlier this week.
Rep. Anthony Weiner on Twitter Photo Scandal

Alcohol Impairs More Than Motor Skills


Cary Hoffman

John Edwards (Politician)


Sarah Palin And Donald Trump Eating Pizza With Forks

Sarah Palin, Donald Trump Lambasted for Pizza Faux Pas

Sarah Palin Explains Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride

New Al Qaeda Video Instructs U.S. Muslims to Buy Guns, Start Killing


Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox Church
Spring Festival Dates: Friday, June 10, 2011 - Sunday, June 12, 2011
Friday & Saturday:  11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Sunday:  Noon - 6pm


He who's name shall not be spoken said...

According to the MSM,that's the main stream media, President Ali Bama has saved the economy and it's turned around and he's done all this while playing 77 complete rounds of golf. Mean while the real nimbers came home to roost. Unemployment rose to 9.1% while the real number of unemployed, not just those receiving unemployment, has risen to 15.9% and home values dropped 8% for the first half of 2011 and consumer confidence is at the lowest rate since 1978 as 58% of all americans believe the president has us on the wrong path and gas prices are expected to see $5. And the band played on as the Titanic was sinking to her death.By the way kudos to Bruce for bringing up the double standard that no one in the MSM raises an eyebrow as Ali Bama fires up Air Force 26000 to take Michele on a date in NY scaring the hell out of New Yorkers by doing low fly buzzing of the city costing the taxpayers millions. Compare that to Gov. Christies' use of the Gov's helicopter, which he is entitled to use, while Corzine used it all the time. But it's OK for him because he's a Dumbocrat. I wonder when they're going to demand that Christie can't use the Island Beach Governors summer residence because it's not ECO-Friendly or Green enough

Bill, from Toms River said...

Chris ("He Who Does Not Exist,") I'm sorry that Bob has silenced YOU, too. I didn't agree with you, too often, but I always defended YOUR right to be heard. With YOU gone, Bob doesn't even have to eat his Wheaties, anymore, before he leaves his abode to do his Sunday show! I haven't heard his show since Sunday, March 6th. It's the same, old thing, week after week, month after month and year after year. Phil calls up at 8:01, a.m., followed by Herb at 8: 15, a.m. and then Jack at 8:30. "Topic 'A'" ceased to be relevant about fifteen years ago. If it wasn't for "Topic 'A,'" Bob would HAVE to get a job, wearing a funny, little hat, at The Golden Arches (McDonald's), and practice saying, "would you like french fries with that Value Meal?"

Bill, from Toms River said...

According to Paul's BRILLIANT blow-by-blow description of the morning's events, Bob and his Fellow Pinko's (Phil, Herb and Jack) had a LOT of fun with Sarah Palin's recollection of The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. Also, the fact that she eats pizza with a fork. Heck, I eat Moose with a fork!! Meanwhile, back at the ranch, President Obama is playing golf as the country burns! He's Emperor Nero, now!! It shows where THEIR priorities are, right? High enemployment, rising food prices, rising energy costs, a federal deficit of $14 trillion!! If "Dubya" were STILL in The White House, Bob, Phil, Herb and Jack would be riding him OUT of Washington, D.C., on a rail! Tarred and feathered, no less!! Oh, well, let THEM get THEIR news out of The New York Times, and The NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. Chris, the sad fact of the matter IS, The Right doesn't have ANYBODY that can beat Obama. Tim Pawlenty? Mitt Romney? Chris Christie? Nah, Christie shot himself in the foot when he used his official helicopter to fly to his son's high school baseball game. Now is NOT the time to feel entitled, Chris! Sarah Palin? I'd like to see her replace Tina Fey on "Saturday Night, Live."

Bill, from Toms River said...

The New York Post, today, showed pictures of The Donald's (Donald Trump) new, $100 million jet aircraft. It used to belong to Bill Gates' partner, Paul Allen. It makes Obama's Air Force One look like chopped liver, in comparison!! People actually believed that The Donald was going to run for the presidency??!! Why would The Donald consent to run for a pipsqueak job like US President, when he's U.S. Royalty, already??!! Oh, well, maybe Bob IS right: The only thing that can save us, now, is Divine Intervention. What IF The Donald is God, too??!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

President Obama would NEVER have made a great comedian. No sense of timing. He should've waited for the day BEFORE Election Day (2012), to send in the Navy SEALS to take out Osama bin Laden. Remember when President George H. W. Bush was the toast of the country, following the first Gulf War? Then he followed that up with, "read my lips, no new taxes." Then he RAISED taxes! Then an upstart from Arkansas, named Bill Clinton, took his housekeys to The White House away from him!! Barack Obama. Jimmy Carter, Redux!! All The Right HAS to DO is find the "Right" candidate!!

He who can't be named said...

I agree 100% I do think if Gov. Rick Perry of Texas gets in and picks someone like Rick Santorum that the Rick brothers could beat Ali bama like a bongo drum

Bill, from Toms River said...

Gee, Chris, from Phoenix, Arizona, and Bill, from Toms River, actually AGREEING on something!!
It took twenty years but...?

Bill, from Toms River said...

Chris ("He Who's Name Shall Not Be Spoken"), Sarah Palin is STILL defending HER version of The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. If by some strange twist of fate she gets elected to The White House, can you imagine HER in a Summit Meeting with Vladamir Putin??!! She's likely to "go rogue" with him over the Cuban Missile Crisis, or something worse!

He who cannot be spoken of said...

At least she won't be giving Putin our missle plans as Ali Obama is currently trying to do. At the most recent G8 summit Ali Obama promised Medvedyev our most advanced missle technology including Theater High Altitude Area Defence Systems commonly known as THAADS. This was, according to former CIA head James Woolsey, just a part of the massive missle technology transfer that Ali Obama had put on the table to make Russia our friends. But what if they did as they did in the past gave this information to Iran or Venezuela. This would seriously compromise our defensive ability and allow them to exploit our weaknes's. For any one to seriously believe that Ali Obama isn't intentionally trying to place America at risk is somebody who needs their head examined

me who cannot be named said...

This just in AEP, one of Americas largest energy producers, annonuced today that Under new EPA mandates thay are forced to close 5 power plants generating 6000 megawats of power. This being promulgated by Ali Obama's green technology mandate and fulfillment of a campaign promise to cause energy prices to necessarily skyrocket. And force the American people to stop using energy. This massive shutdown is just the fore runner of many more plant closures to sharply restrict energy use by making it to punishingly expensive. In the meantime AEP said it would take years to replace the generating capacity with as of yet unproven and inefficient alternative energy sources

He who can't be named said...

So the wonderment, now commonly referred to as the squatter, in the white house ordered Government Motors, formerly known as GM, to build an initial 100,000 Chevy Volts. To date less than 900 have been sold even with a taxpayer, that's you and me, subsidy of $7500 What to do oh my oh my! Jeffrey Imelt Chairman of GE and head of Ali bamas economics team has stepped up to the plate and purchased 50,000 for Government Motors employees and instantly receives $375,000,000 of taxpayer subsidy. Hmmmm something smells fishy to me. What about the other 50,000 Volts which don't have heat in the winter or AC in the summer because the batteries can't handle the load. Well, and it gets fishier, ALi bama is going to purchase them for Gov employees. So much for competitive bidding. No heat, no ac and a range of only 25 to 40 miles. Government knows best and Ali bama is going to make sure we know it. How's the hope and change thing workin for ya. Kudos to my friend who also cannot be named

JoeFromTomsRiver said...

Bill- you said that you "haven't heard his show since Sunday, March 6th". Why do you spend time coming on a message board that is dedicated to a radio show that you don't listen to anymore? It's a fair question.