Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 26, 2011

Bob Levy Receives NJBA Lifetime Achievement Award
From the News desk of Tom Mongelli:
·         Sat 6/25 & Sun 6/26 – Corona Beach Volleyball Tournament, Seaside Heights
·         Mon 6/27 – Update on Governor’s 10-point plan for Barnegat Bay, Toms River Town Hall
·         Tue 6/28 – Ask the Governor @ 7pm
·         Thu 6/30 – DCA, Ocean County Health Dept. spot check oceanfront businesses, Point Pleasant Beach (Shh! It’s a surprise!)
·         Thu 6/30 – Ask the Congressman @ 7 pm
·         Sat 7/2 – Independence Day Celebration, Tuckerton Seaport
·         Tue 7/5 (tentative) – Homeless advocates vs. Ocean County, Superior Court, Toms River.

Peter Falk

Clarence Clemons
Remembering Farrah Fawcett
(February 2, 1947 – June 25, 2009)
2011 NYC Pride March

New York's same-sex marriage law sets off waves of engagements

. A golfer reported he was struck by lightning on the Lakewood Country Club green Friday morning, but the man refused medical treatment.
HOT COFFEE, a documentary feature film
HBO June 27 at 9 PM (E/P)

Where Soldiers Come From

WHERE SOLDIERS COME FROM, a documentary film


Mel Allen
Russ Hodges
André Baruch
Brick Attorney Now Charged in Toms River Hit-and-Run
WWCR Shortwave
A Made in the USA products Directory
Why is Polygamy and Prostitution illegal?
NJ Senate Bill 2957:  Vote NO
NJ Senate Concurrent Resolution 166 : Vote YES




Bullying in N.J.; Bargaining in N.Y.

Collective bargaining is a historic right

NJ cuts union benefits; will ax fall nationwide?


NJ Assembly ends collective bargaining rights for public workers


New US cigarette pack warnings are graphic and gross

FDA Cigarette Warning Labels Include Tracheotomy Hole and Rotting Teeth


FDA Wants Cigarette Packs to Include Images of Corpses, Diseased Lungs



Anonymous said...

Kudos to you Chris on growing some. I could hear the disdain in Bob's voice when he had to say your name (I think he nearly choked on it). Bob is so predictable as he tried to discredit you at every turn, but you stuck to your guns (no pun intended).


Ali Obama is killing America said...

In Arizona we need our guns to repel the invaders, Which Obummer supports thru project fast and furious where they allowed over 2,000 assault weapons to cross the border to arm the drug cartels. One of our border patrol Brian Terry was killed with one of these guns. About the same time Hillarious Clinton was blaming Mexican violence on Arizona gun dealers when in fact it was the ATF with Atty Gen Eric Holder's approval. Oh and if I may answer the brain damaged neanderthal John from Lavallette. There is no such thing as collective bargaining for public employees. It's just a political game of vote for me and I'll give to you. Screw the taxpayer he gets no say as the cost of these illicit negotiations climbs higher and higher till we reach the point we are at now that every state county and municipality will have to raise taxes on every taxpayer $1400 per year for the next 35 years to pay the benefits of these people. So good for Gov. Christie

mikejsal said...

The invader in Arizona is "NO BALLS" from NJ !!!! Now he is anti-gun? Right, to keep it fair. He is the only one allowed to have a gun. MADE IN THE U.S.A. !!!!!

Ali Obama is killing America said...

Another stupid comment from zombielandpsiliti

3 hundred million of us 545 of them said...

Ali Obumble is coming for yours next said...

This just in: Dateline Washington,President Odumbell, in his efforts to fix the financial mess he's gotten us into has taken a page from FDR. GOLD CONFISCATION, because so many American citizens are concerned about protecting themselves from out of control reckless gov't spending that they are putting a lot, of their soon to be worthless money, into GOLD as a way to protect they're assets. So as FDR did, so Odumbell wants to do. Ban private ownership of Gold. After all only rich evil people have GOLD and shouldn't we take it away from them and give it to the Government to kinda, you know, spread it around a little. Aint that right Joe(the plumber)Wurzelbacher. Everybody deserves to have what you work for, especially those who don't want to work cause the GOV can take from you by force if necessary and give it to them. You know Egalitere. Watch out for those Guillotines though

Ali Obummer is killing the jews said...

Well well well, what's the matter, cat got your tongue? Ha ha ha.It just gets more curious everyday. We just found out that Anthony Weiner the self loathing Jew from NY is married to Huma Abedin Weiner a devout Saudi Muslin. Her brother Hassan is deeply involved with the Muslim Brotherhood at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies at Oxford University actively promoting extremist and terrorist activities. Her mother is founder of Dar Al Hekma the womens version of the Muslim Brotherhood. Now, wouldn't you just know it, Huma is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Chief of staff with unrestricted access to all sensitive and classified material allowing the radical Jihadists to know our every move. But it's ok cause democrats have everything under control. Doesn't that make you feel all warm inside like just before Iran launches it's first nuke from a ship fifty miles off the coast of Jersey. OOH I can still feel the tingle every time the Chosen One speaks. We are so blessed by his presence HE is the most intelligent, wisest, and gifted man in the world and the press must do everything it can to smear the incompetant would be usurpers to HIS EXALTED POSITION. OBAMA,OBAMA,OBAMA,OBAMA,OBAMA, OBAMA, YES HE CAN YES HE CAN YES HE CAN. ONLY HE CAN BRING TRUE PEACE AND HARMONY TO THE WORLD BY ELIMINATING US SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL. WHY JUST THIS WEEK OBAMA HAD ISRAEL LISTED AS A TERRORIST NATION. Finally the final solution that Hitler dreamed of as the muslim brotherhood became allies of Nazi Germany to eliminate the world of those pesky jews