Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17, 2011

Rible charged by PBA for violation of oath


PBA Oath
“I will never betray my badge, my integrity, my character, or the public trust. I will always have the courage to hold myself and others accountable for our actions. I will always uphold the constitution and community I serve".
Casey Anthony walks free after acquittal in daughter's death

Leiby's family keeps horrific details of death from mom

. warns against leaving children in hot vehicles this summer

New Jersey SCR162


New Jersey ACR197


Heat wave plunges much of U.S. into a deep fryer

British Open
Baseball Hall of Fame


The Desert Fox said...

The last two posts in the topic sections for last week spoke volumns concerning what I said concerning Obama's outright betrayal of Israel. I am 100% convinced he is Muslim and is working activly to destroy Israel.
Those two topic posts totally reveal just who Obama is. He is not Christian he is in fact a liar and a danger to our very survival.

The Desert Fox said...

By the way concerning Casey Anthony,if anything should happen to her I lay the blame at the feet of the circus media in this country. They took it on them selves to be judge, jury and executioner. The forman of the jury said the state utterly failed to prove it's case and she was found not guilty of the crimes they presented. This does not mean she's innocent of having done something wrong but just what exactly remains a mystery and you can't be found guilty of a mystery at least last time I checked

The Desert Fox said...

Oh last night my wife and I had the unique honor of attending an exculsive viewing of the movie Undefeated the documentary about Sarah Palin. I had some problems with the editing and the length could have been shortened by 20 minutes and been just as effective. But I had no dissagreement with the facts as they accuratly reflected exactly who she is, what she's accomplished, a remarkable record of achievement, her vision for America to see America as the greatest nation on earth with the greatest and freest people on earth. and how savagely she was attacked by the attack dogs in the media as well as the establishment and the hardcore political left. The machine of destruction unleashed on her all of it without substance or merit was heart wrenching. All because she believes in the traditional values of our nation of family, faith, hard work, responsibility and just good old down home common sense, and just a smidgen of apple pie, mom, and God, Guns, and Guts, and a return to the principles of our founding fathers embodied in our Constitution which Obama believes is irrelevant

Bill, from Toms River said...

Hey, Desert Fox (I mean, Chris, from Phoenix, Arizona)? The jury foreman said that? More to the point, Nancy Grace said otherwise!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Desert Fox? I love Sarah Palin, but she's NOT presidential material. Too much baggage. She even turns-off her supporters. When she gave HER interpretation of "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere," a few months ago, she lost me. Revisionist history? How 'bout Bizarro History??!!

The Desert Fox said...

Well she certainly has made a few faux pas but it's the overall vision that makes the haters hate her. They have no principals so they abhor anyone who has them. They are amoral so by the darkness that directs them they hate anyone who tries to uphold moral principals. They only seek to proclaim tolerance while being totally intolerant of anyone who doesn't agree. Free speech only for me not for thee. This woman is incredibly strong and principaled and has withstood the most vile and viscious assault and still stands tall for what she believes

Bill, from Toms River said...

Desert Fox (Chris, from Phoenix), I hope Sarah delivers the Keynote Address at the Republican National Convention, next year. She's GREAT as a "talking head" on Fox News. I'm currently gung-ho on Rick Perry, for president, myself. I know he doesn't WANT to run for president, but I understand his wife is a nurse, and she's terribly afraid of ObamaCare. She's "urging" her husband to run. Obama HAS to go! It's gotten to the point where I don't care if he leaves office, horizontally, or, vertically. Just so long as HE LEAVES!!! He's Jimmy Carter, Redux!!!

The DesertFox said...

Agree on Perry Too. Preferably sooner than later on Obummer

Bill, from Toms River said...


Texas Governor, Rick Perry, says that "Texas is OPEN for business." Let's get America BACK to work, now. Texas has created 850,000 jobs, more than the other 49 states, COMBINED! Bob Levy, Phil, from Brick, Herb, from Toms River and others ALL crowed about "Change," three years ago. Did we GET change, though? No, we got HIGH unemployment, HUGE deficits and scatterbrained foreign policy, instead. Heck, we had THAT, 35 years ago, under Jimmy Carter!! Obama? Get him OUTTA' THERE!!! Obama IS just Jimmy Carter, in blackface!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...


"Lead (if you can?), follow or get OUT of the way!"

- Thomas Paine, American Founding Father.

Bill, from Toms River said...


1) He's inept.

2) He's incompetent.

3) He's in-office, right now!

Bill, from Toms River said...

"It's time to do something big and meaningful, even if it means tinkering with entitlement programs (Social Security)."

- President Barack Hussein Obama.

Over MY dead body!! In 1967, I made a deal with The Devil (Social Security): They could help themselves to MY paychecks, all my working life, but when it came time to retire (age 62), I would get a retirement stipend. I'll be damned if I'm going to sit still and watch this cretin (Obama) try to balance HIS budget deficit, over MY back!! Obama's logic (???) is to borrow his way out of debt (14 trillion dollars). When THAT failed, he sets up a showdown with Congress to allow him to steal from the Social Security lockbox. In MY way of thinking, we made a deal! I kept MY end of the deal, now it's time for Big Brother to keep HIS end of the deal!! I know, I know, in The Wonderful World of Bob Levy, this is called, NIMBY-ISM, or Not In My Backyard. Whatever. A deal IS a deal. No compromise!! As the Late Charlton Heston once said: "From my cold, dead hands!"

Climate Change to keep you cooler said...