Sunday, July 31, 2011

July 31, 2011

From the news desk of Tom Mongelli:
·         Sun 7/31: Ha$kell Invitational, Monmouth Park, Oceanport
·         Mon 8/1: ATC. With the federal debt crisis still in flux, Jon Runyan plans to take to the airwaves from DC if President Obama keeps everyone after school. If they wrap it up before Monday, he says he’s driving in. Either way, we will examine the repercussions on the local, state and federal levels and keep the blog and phones wide open.
·         Tue 8/2: National Night Out. Participating towns are shrinking since the citizen awareness campaign became a money machine, but Red Bank is among the towns that are all in.
·         Sat 8/6: Rock Solid Mud Run, Raceway Park, Englishtown. Proceeds partly benefit Semper Fi Foundation for injured veterans.
·         Sun 8/21: WWI Historical Event, InfoAge Science & Learning Center, Wall Township
·         Thu 8/25: MODC Anniversary Summer Bash, Stone Pony, Asbury Park
·         Sat 8/27: Ocean County College Grand-Slam Summer Celebration, Toms River
Sources: Emerging debt deal calls for up to $2.8 trillion in savings


Horse Race insider
Happy Birthday President Barack Obama
Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3

If the government shuts down, will veterans pensions go out?

VA pensions WILL go out. They are annually appropriated, so they won't be affected by any governmental shutdown.

2011 Government Shutdown Impacts – Will Social Security Benefits, Contractor and Federal Employee Pay Checks Stop?
Planet of the Apes (1968 film)
 Caller says
"Obama is a failed social experiment by white liberal society".
Then what was Bush?


mikejsal said...

mike in LH. You don't have to try. It comes to you naturally.

mikejsal said...

Paul has an interesting quetion. What role would mr AZ play in Godfather I? I say Carlo. Also, what was the name of the horse? No credit if you look it up. "Lenny's has the meat to please". FIND THE HUMOR BOB !!!!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

RIPPED FROM THE PAGES OF THE NEW YORK DAILY NEWS (mikejsal, force yourself to READ a daily newspaper!!)...

Sarah Palin (whom I happen to LOVE!!), is "Going Rogue" on The First Lady, Michelle Obama. "Mama Grizzly" says, "it's no wonder Michelle Obama is telling everybody (she ISN'T telling ME!), "you need to breast feed your babies - the price of milk is SO high!" Sarah, IF and WHEN you announce yourself as a presidential candidate, your opponent will be Michelle's husband, Barack, and NOT The First Lady. Aim HIGHER with your barbs!! Personally, I don't think Sarah Palin WILL enter the Presidential Race. She has TOO MUCH baggage. I think "Mama Grizzly" is merely campaigning for a plum speaking role (Keynote Speaker?) at the Republican National Convention, and a seat in the NEXT president's Cabinet (think Rick Perry).

Bill, from Toms River said...


The Democrats and Republicans FINALLY (!!!) came to an agreement on the debt ceiling crisis (mikejsal is asking himself, "WHAT'S a debt ceiling?"). I'm happy because THAT means I'm going to get a Social Security payment, in August!!!

JoeFromTomsRiver said...

Hey Mike in T.R., you should be nice to Mike from Lanoka Harbor. If it wasn't for him calling Topic A, YOU would possess the most annoying voice of any regular caller.

Having said that, you are a distant second place as it stands.

That guy is hard to listen to, regardless of what he is actually saying.

Bill, from Toms River said...

Since becoming the governor of Texas (December, 2000, replacing George W. Bush), Rick Perry has witnessed over 200 executions of death-row inmates. Meanwhile, the Poster Child for Capital Punishment, Casey Anthony, is contemplating an offer from Hustler Magazine publisher, Larry Flynt, to pose nude for his skin magazine. $500,000!!! The legal "Dream Team" that got Ms. Anthony an acquittal are advising her to "chill," as she COULD see much more moolah in the way of interviews, magazine articles, a possible book and motion picture deal, IF she waits for the right time. Isn't America GREAT??!! The Land of Opportunity!! Meanwhile, her child is STILL dead!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Hey, Bob? Hey, Phil, from Brick? Hey, Herb, from Toms River? You guys ALL cited "Change" in the 2008 Presidential Election Campaign. In light of this week's debt ceiling debacle, HOW do YOU like "Change," now? THAT'S "Change?" It's more like a return to the 1976 - 1980 Jimmy Carter Presidential era. That's right, I know, Barack Obama IS just Jimmy Carter in Blackface!!
Rick Perry in 2012!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Yesterday, at Patsy's Restaurant (Frank Sinatra's FAVORITE restaurant!), The Amazing Kreskin predicted WHO will win the 2012 Presidential contest. He didn't name the winner, but he DID announce that he/she (?) is a Republican. Bye-bye, Obama!!

Desert Fox said...

Mama Grizzley has taken all the hatred, for no reason I might add, that the haters who love to hate could dish out. Driving her family almost to bankruptcy on almost 50 unfounded accusations that were all, I repeat all, dismissed as false but she still had to defend herself in court.This is the Alinsky way, which Obama taught in his community organizing classes, ridicule, smear, accuse your enemy in every way till you finally destroy his character in the minds of the people. As Goebbels stated over and over repeat the lie often enough and it becomes truth and use every crisis to advance your agenda. Sounds familiar, Rahm Emmanuel said it many times, never let a crisis go to waste. SO YES I WILL REPEAT WHAT I SAID SUNDAY. OBAMA IS TRYING TO DESTROY AMERICA. An exceptional book on the subject is, "The Roots of Obama's Hatred" by DeSouza. A very carefull and well documented treatise by a man who was only setting out to do an in depth biography, with no agenda to find fault but to try, to answer some of the questions and fill in the gaps about a man about whom we no so little and about which the media has left so much unanswered.

Bill, from Toms River said...

Hey, Bob, IF I said to you that Barack Obama is leaving a Black Mark on The White House, would YOU consider THAT to be a racist remark? Just asking!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Hey, Desert Fox. so you're calling "Topic 'A,'" again??!! Chris, I LOVE (!!!) "Mama Grizzly" (Sarah Palin), but she ain't gonna' announce for The White House (too many things AGAINST her). As I stated, earlier, here, I think she's setting herself up for a choice speaking role (Keynote Speaker?) at the 2012 Republican National Convention. After that, she's gonna' throw her support to the eventual Republican Presidential nominee (Rick Perry?).
Following Perry's election, Sarah will find herself in-line for a plum Cabinet position!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

"Buck up or stay in the truck."

- Sarah Palin.

mikejsal said...

Joe in TR, Sorry my voice doesn't excite you. The ladies seem to like it. Did you find the Lenny's ad funny? Bill in TR has no dope ceiling. Kreskin, palin and Casey Anthony. Guess the daily news isn't fit to print. He believes he watched the game by having his medicaid nurse read him the box score. Keep sucking that Uncle Sam teat. The only way palin could become bankrupt now is if she hired the desert Faux (aka anonymous) as her financial advisor. The tea baggee's believe big business will save them. They have Texas math skills and believe it is cheaper to execute than educate.

Bill, from Toms River said...

"The tea baggee's...have Texas math skills and believe it is cheaper to execute than educate."

- mikejsal.

I refer you to the motion pictures, "The Ox-Bow Incident," and "Hang 'em High." First, you find a TALL, TALL, TALL (!!!) tree, and then you get a short, short, short (!!!) rope. Place the noose end of the rope over the condemned prisoner's head, mount 'em on a horse and then give the horse's rear end a good slappin'. THAT'S what they SHOULD have done to Casey Anthony. Now, Judge Strickland (did I get THAT right? What am I asking you for, you don't read a daily newspaper!) is giving Casey's defense team 72 hours to turn Casey over to the Probation Department? She got acquitted of murder (her child!!!), but they got her on fraud charges. Apparently she stole almost $700 in checks from another woman. I'm NO "tea baggee," but I believe in capital punishment, then ask questions, later. mikejsal, are YOU the Mike who works at Rutgers University? Funny, you sound smarter on the radio!!

Bill, from Toms River said...


According to The New York Daily News, THAT'S the sound of Sarah Palin starting to self-destruct.
I'm afraid Sarah ("Mama Grizzly") Palin is "going Rogue" into Charlie Sheen territory, now. After Vice-President Joe Biden referred to her and other "tea-baggers" as "terrorists," Sarah told Fox News', Sean Hannity, that IF they were "terrorists," President Obama would "pal around" with them more. Apparently "Mama Grizzly" seems to be saying, "birds of the same feather, flock together." Sarah, with more outbursts like that, the Keynote Address at the 2012 Republican National Convention will have to be delivered by one of Charlie Sheen's "goddesses." Oh, Lord!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

mikejsal, the answer to your riveting question, regarding the name of the horse in the movie, "The Godfather," was Khartoum. No, I didn't HAVE to look it up. I only answered the question because it's gonna' stump Bob Levy!!! I didn't hear Bob's show, on Sunday (I haven't heard a single show of his since last March), so I haven't the foggiest idea of WHAT "Lenny's has the meat to please" means??? You're telling Bob Levy to "find the humor?" Man, you're going to be waiting a LONG, LONG, LONG time!!!
Back in the day (when Bob and I were still buds!), he found himself having to "use the facilities," over and over and over, again, because of a high coffee consumption morning. When I got on the line to talk to him, I said, "you CAN'T buy coffee, Bob, you can ONLY rent it." He DIDN'T get the humor. He hung up on me! When I called back, a woman who identified herself as being from the news department, was in his studio explaining the joke to him. Well, it was ALL downhill after that, and finally "Baghdad Bob" was the final nail in the proverbial coffin. Humor and Bob Levy go together like gasoline and lit matches! Tom Coughlin and Plaxico Burress!! Phil, from Brick and Chris, from the Desert!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...


White House Rips Congress For Taking Vacations While FAA Workers Lose Jobs.

Remember when Ronald Reagan was in The White House? He fired the air traffic controllers when they called for an illegal strike. Hey, Barack, ORDER Congress BACK to work, or FIRE THEM!!!

Desert Fox said...

No sooner did the cap get raised then Obama grabbed it and now ran our debt up two more trillion raising the national debt higher than the entire gross national product of all goods and services for America. What will happen when interest rates skyrocket which will happen in just the next few weeks and the interest payments on this debt are more than we can pay? Well quite simply we experience total economic collapse and with China holding most of that debt what kind of demands will they impose on us? Remember the borrower is the slave of the lender. Will they seize our oil fields which Obama refuses to let us use to get ourselves out of debt. Will he get a high position in the Chinese/American government for handing America over to the Communist Chinese and they enslave the American people and send to reeducation camps those who comply and kill those to old or to Americanized. Points to ponder. Just this week the Communist Party USA endorsed Obama for reelection. No surprise since they endorsed him the first time he ran. And gee whizz when I brought this up back then, guess what, I was ridiculed no surprise there. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts because it's not going to last much longer I'm afraid. I'm sure Herb, Phil, Jack, Bob, and Mike will be very pleased. Bob should be especially pleased because with the slaughter of countless millions that will take care of Bob's #1 issue overpopulation. Yup just kill em all. You know sort of a FINAL SOLUTION. Just in time for the new dark age to descend after the last bastion of freedom and liberty is crushed. America Adieu

Bill, from Toms River said...

Desert Fox (AKA, Chris, from the Desert), if you continue to infuriate Bob Levy, he'll DARE (!!!) you to call-in, on Sunday.
I know, been there, done that!!

mikejsal said...

Funny how The Godfather was on AMC the same time bill answered my trivia question. Time to come clean. Never saw the Ox-Bow Incident. Jed Cooper was innocent and the mob failed to kill him. You know what happened to the mob. I can only hope the same for the nancy DISgrace mob and the tea bagee's. True that I don't read "A" daily newspaper. I read many daily newspapers. That being said, I get most of my political information from cspan. Note to desert FAUX or should I say carlo.I sold my Caterpillar, Verizon and John Deere stocks in June. Thanks for the tip to buy as per your theory that they were going out of business because of health care reform.