Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 7th 2011

From the NEWS Desk of Tom Mongelli:
·         Sun 8/7 – John Boyd Memorial Swim, Jim Dowd Shoot For The Stars Foundation HS All-Star Hockey Game, Seaside Heights
·         Sat 8/13 – Ocean Gate Founders Day
·         Sun 8/21 – WWII Historical Event, Info Age Science & Learning Center, Wall Twp
·         Thu 8/25 – MODC Anniversary Summer Bash, Stone Pony, Asbury Park
·         Sat 8/27 – Ocean County College Summer Celebration, Toms River.
NOT IUD: Intrauterine device
Hoagy Carmichael

Debt Showdown: What It Means For New Jersey


Gov. Christie: Education Reform Will Take Some Time

John is looking for a "Licensed Barber" to cut his hair at his So. Toms River home.
Rick Perry

Rick Perry For President? Meet 24 Billionaires Who’ve Backed Him
That shuffling noise is Bob fighting with his windbreaker.
Stay tuned for Bill and Mike's Commentary!
(I would be willing to produce their show if I could get 4 advertisers to sponsor it) 
Small business

Smart Meter Dangers

Ask Pablo: Is My Smart Meter Going To Kill Me?

 Smart Meters
Yikes! Look who just endorsed Obama for 4 more years ...
What Does Inflation Mean?
The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and, subsequently, purchasing power is falling. Central banks attempt to stop severe inflation, along with severe deflation, in an attempt to keep the excessive growth of prices to a minimum.
The Financial Physician
Louis Scatigna, Author of The Financial Physician
The Financial Physician Lou Scatigna
This is the man who is in charge!
 "Supposedly" the video that FOX NEWS has been trying to show that is constantly blocked by the administration.



mikejsal said...

Oh gerald !!!!! I lived in Beachwood and got tired of swimming to the mailbox. Also, most people step-up when then they move. Unlike your J.O. pal in the desert. Seems the sauerkraut fumes have gotten the best of you.

Bill, from Toms River said...

Hey, I SEE from Paul's blog (now, YOU didn't think Bob actually wrote this blog, did you?) that Rick Perry is STARTING to generate some buzz on THIS Left-Wing, heavily-Democratic show! GOOD!! Yes, Paul, I read the blog. Thanks for the links! I'd love to do a show with Mike, but I'm afraid he doesn't read a daily newspaper, nor does he watch a newscast. But, then again, neither does Bob, if you take away Pravda!!

Bill, from Toms River said...


"It's ALL Bush's fault."

- Phil, from Brick, Herb, from Toms River, Jack, from Jackson and John, from Lavallette.

Bill, from Toms River said...

QUESTION: What do you call Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom?

ANSWER: Countries that have a higher credit rating than does the United States of America.

Bill, from Toms River said...


The Dow has dropped 200 points within the first few minutes of trading, Monday morning.

In Europe, the German DAX index fell 2% and the Japanese Nikkei is off 2%. U.S. unemployment rises back up to 9.2%.

On the bright side, The Gang of Five (Bob, Phil, Herb, Jack and John) continue to say, "it's ALL Bush's fault!!!"

Bill, from Toms River said...

Hey, Desert Fox? Chris, from the Desert? Do you STILL own that generator that you bought to combat the Y2K virus, about a dozen years ago? If you're watching the Fox Business Channel, you KNOW what I'm talking about, I'm sure! Stock markets around the world ARE TANKING!!! Of course, it's ALL Bush's fault!!

mikejsal said...

bill in TR.If you are man enough. I'll see you at the studio Sunday morning at 7:00am. Don't forget your meds !!!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

"Bill, if you are man enough, I'll see you at the studio Sunday morning at 7:00am."

- mikejsal.

Mike, ever since the "Baghdad Bob" debacle, some time ago, I DON'T work Sundays anymore! Meds? Yeah, I STILL take those!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Straight from the Fox Business Channel: The Dow Jones industrial average fell 634 points, yesterday. It's a good thing (well?) that Bob Levy works in a ground-floor radio studio, or else management would HAVE to give him a parachute upon reporting for work.

Bill, from Toms River said...


"The truth, many Americans insist, is not what it seems. On the verge of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks (it's on a Sunday, this year, Bob Levy Day!), about 15% of your fellow citizens (Rosie O' Donnell and Charlie Sheen, included) still believe that the attacks were the result of a clandestine 'controlled demolition.'" In OTHER words, a Bush - Cheney "inside job!"

Bill, from Toms River said...


Sorry, you DON'T have a choice!

According to a new Gallup/USA poll, only 24% of Americans say that most members of Congress deserve re-election. This is the lowest tally EVER since Gallup started asking the question, 20 years ago.

Desert Fox said...

I still have the generator and food as well as 42,000 gals of water. Yup a pool is a tremendous source of drinking water. Obama is very close to destroying the US economic system. It's too bad that mikejsal has so much jis coming out his ears and nose he can't hear the bacon cooking (his own) or smell the coffee brewing. Ever notice how preoccupied he is with deviant sexual behavior he must have some repressed deviant inclinations. Just for information the TeaPartyPatriots now have over 3500 affiliated chapters across the country and still growing very rapidly. The American people have had enough with elitest who forget it's our country and they work for us we don't work for them and we're taking this country back to the constitutional principals of the founders which is what made us the greatest country on earth. I am concerned that Odumbel will do every thing he can to hold on to power legally or illegally,because once he loses control of the Senate, the DOJ, the military, he will face criminal prosecution not impeachment and as such would face prison and I for one would love to see that bas..rd locked up for life for the crimes he has committed against this nation.

Desert Fox said...

By the way, Mr Levi, it doesn't matter how many voters the Communist Party USA has. It's the fact that they endorse Obama and what he and they stand for is the same thing. The fundamental destruction of the last stumbling block to one world government, quoting George Soros, Obama's chief financial backer and the man chiefly responsible for the decline of the dollar for which he himself has made several billion dollars and in fact has just sold a billion dollars worth of gold knowing that Obama's new financial regulations now ban the trading of gold bullion as Roosevelt did

Paul said...

This is the man who is in charge!

"Supposedly" the video that FOX NEWS has been trying to show that is constantly blocked by the administration.

mikejsal said...

chris should stay in little league with bill and they can continue their circle jerk. WAIT FOR THE HISSY FIT!!!!

mikejsal said...

the man who is in charge or THE WORST EDITING JOB IN HISTORY. LOOKS LIKE MORE BS FROM andy "NOT SO BRIGHT" bart. Sunday is going to be fun !!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

"Sunday is going to be fun!!!"

- mikejsal.

Hhhmmmm??? What am I missing, here? The NFL season is starting on Sunday? You're going to party with Snooki, The Situation & J-WOWW, over in Seaside? What? What?

Bill, from Toms River said...


Attention: "Gang of Five," Bob, Phil, from Brick, Herb, from Toms River, Jack, from Jackson and John, from Lavallette.

B-ROKE Obama's NEWEST Approval Ratings:



Bill, from Toms River said...

I caught the "O'Reilly Factor," Wednesday night. First time in many, many, many months. Interesting, Mr. O and Dick Morris are ALREADY talking about B-ROKE Obama, in the past tense! However, they're BIG on Rick Perry!!! Hey, Mike, are you STILL there??!! What happened to Joe, from Toms River?

Bill, from Toms River said...

Talk about the Kiss of Death, Glenn Beck has endorsed Michele Bachmann to be our next President.
That's like Bob Levy recommending a restaurant to you.

Bill, from Toms River said...

No, I'm NOT endorsing Michele Bachmann for President, but...?

"You are finished in 2012, and you will be a one-term president."

- Michele Bachmann, last night, at the GOP's Iowa presidential debate. I "second" your thinking, Michele!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Desert Fox? Chris, from the Desert? This is for you, from today's New York Post.

Fracking - The process of drilling down and creating tiny explosions to shatter and crack hard shale rocks to release the gas inside.

NYers: Yeah, what the frack?

"New Yorkers favor the economic benefits of "fracking" for natural gas more than they fear its environmental impact, according to a Quinnipiac poll released yesterday. Voters support drilling in the Marcellus Shale, one of the world's richest natural gas deposits, 47 to 42 percent. A Majority of Republicans and men said the state should drill; most Democrats and women are opposed because of environmental concerns. Nearly 60 percent say there should be a new tax on drilling companies."

Pennsylvania shares the Marcellus Shale Formation, with New York, and "fracking" is forecast to supply 40,000 new jobs. In time, Pennsylvania will be a bigger oil producer than Texas.

mikejsal said...

Joe is helping me dig a pool for drinking water. Then I'm going to help dig his. Not sure if we should use chlorine or baquacil. What is PHX J.O. using? You really can't make this sh*t up. It's like Walt and those IUD's. I had to explain that one to "FIND THE HUMOR " Bob. Reading the box score is not like watching the game. Sorry billy, you have to listen. As painful as that may be.