Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 15,2010

Is the President committing political suicide?
Barack Obama's Ground Zero mosque plea will cost him and the Democrats votes
Obama defends plan to build mosque near ground zero
N.J. man arrested in scam on Orthodox
Eliyahu Weinstein, jailed in fraud case, under further federal probe
Lakewood shootings leave one dead, two critically injured
Lakewood shooting leaves one man dead, another injured
Russia moving ahead with Iran nuclear reactor
Obama takes plunge, swims in Gulf
Births to Illegal Immigrants Are Studied
Anchor Babies
Seaside Heights, NJ, boardwalk game features Obama as target
Constitutional Topic: Citizenship
Japan Self-Defense Forces
'Don't ask, don't tell' survey released
Don't ask, don't tell
Investigators Probe Cause of Alaska Plane Crash
Deaths and Mortality
Leading Causes of Death in the United States
Rex Ryan
Jimmy Johnson Extenze Commercial
They beat Stony Point, New York 13-5 today to advance into Monday nights
championship game of the Mid Atlantic Regional in Bristol, CT. They will
play the winner of today's Pennsylvania/Maryland game.

Monday's winner goes to the LL World Series in Williamsport, PA.
Watch the game at the Riticco Center on Monday night!


mikejsal said...

WOW !!!! The lack of facts hour continues with the mindbender in Phoenix. More proof that the ride incident in Seaside caused brain damage.

mikejsal said...

Bob, There is the word slave in the 14th amendment.See section 4. It pertains to claims of property loss due to emancipation. Is Faux news off the air this morning ????

mikejsal said...

Fact on Ramadan in the White House.President George W. Bush held the event annually, saying at the final dinner, "One of the great strengths of our nation is its religious diversity."

Mr. Obama, also hosted the first White House Passover Seder in April.

Unknown said...

However to reiterate what I said, Obama became the first President since George Washington to refuse to acknowledge the National Day of Prayer despite the requests from many groups and organizations. You see no favoritism here? Also even Herb admitted the 14th amend passed in 1868 was fashioned to give children of slaves citizenship rights

mikejsal said...

Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush each hosted special events for the day only once during their administrations, President Bill Clinton did not hold any such events during his time in office, George W. Bush held events on the National Day of Prayer in each year of his presidency, and President Barack Obama did not hold a formal event for the NDOP on May 7, 2009.

On October 3, 2008, the Freedom From Religion Foundation sued President George W. Bush, Jim Doyle, Shirley Dobson, chair, National Day of Prayer Task Force, and White House Press Secretary Dana Perino at a Madison, Wisconsin federal court, challenging the federal law designating the National Day of Prayer. The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) is defending Shirley Dobson and the National Day of Prayer Task Force. The Obama administration asked U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb to dismiss the case in March 2009. The administration argued the group has no legal standing to sue and that the tradition of the National Day of Prayer dated back to 1775.The suit was then amended to include President Obama and Press Secretary Gibbs.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dan (Bob) for stifling our freedom of speech here and making this blog irrelevant.

Bill, from Toms River said...

"First they came for the Gypsies, then they came for the Jews, pretty soon, they'll come for you, too."


Anonymous, HOW do you think "they" do it, down here, in Ocean County? It's strictly one-party rule, down here. We don't HAVE a newspaper, and we don't HAVE a nightly newscast. WOBM? They have real gall calling THAT "news," when all it is is public service announcements. Fuhrer Alexander has tried to stifle dissent, here, before.
He'll certainly try, again. There will come a time when you'll try to access THIS page, and it will be GONE! Freedom of Speech? They giveth, and they taketh away.

Bill, from Toms River said...

Hey, WHAT'S UP with the Michael Ritacco investigation, anybody know? It's going on four months, now. Hhhhhhhhmmmmmm????? Maybe we'll learn something from the WOBM news department. Yeah, RIGHT!

Bill, from Toms River said...

You know, I don't agree with "Chris," from the Desert, much, but I HAVE to admire his passion!! I mean, he's been at THIS for over twenty years, now!!
He's like the Energizer Bunny, when you think about it. Bob has banned him from the show, Bob has un-banned him from the show when there was a public outcry. Chris? He just keeps coming, and coming, and...

Bill, from Toms River said...

Stop me IF you've heard this one, before: Back in 1992, Chris called Bob and told him that he was going to move his entire family to Canada, IF Bill Clinton won the presidential election, that year. Well, Clinton DID win the election, and Chris DID move his family. To Cream Ridge, New Jersey. True story!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Well back BEFORE Al Gore invented the Internet, Chris used to belong to the Conservative Book Club (yes, Virginia, BACK THEN people USED TO read books!). Chris had his wacky agenda, but he needed something to give them "gravitas."
So, he'd refer Bob to this book. He'd refer Bob to that book. The BEST thing that EVER happened to Chris, was the invention of the Internet!! Now, you see, he had mis-information at his fingertips!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

I used to report to the Manchester Branch of the Ocean County Library, every Monday morning at precisely 9 AM. Before I could open my mouth to ask a question, Catherine, the librarian, behind the counter would ask me, "WHAT did he (Chris) say, now?" True story!! Like I said, NOW we have the Internet!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Let me reiterate: I LIKE CHRIS!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Once Chris told Bob that "{you} have a better chance of bringing a copy of Playboy Magazine onto a public school campus, than a copy of The Holy Bible." So, on Monday morning, next, I phoned Michael Ritacco's office. I got an assistant, and told him what Chris had said, a day earlier, on Bob's show. After he (the assistant) got off the floor from laughing, so hard, he told me the real story: You can read, study or discuss The Bible, but NOT during class time. Study hall? FINE!! After school? FINE!! If you want to organize a Bible Club, school administrators will bend over backwards to provide you with a room. NOT ON CLASS TIME, though!! Why? Separation of Church and State. True story.

Bill, from Toms River said...

Know THIS: I LIKE CHRIS!!! I LOVE HIS PASSION!!! I LOVE HIS DRIVE!!! There's not a single doubt in MY mind that he BELIEVES every word, sentence and paragraph that he spouts out of his mouth. I have, and will continue to defend Chris's right to be heard!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Regulars to this blog KNOW that I like to refer to "Herb," from Toms River, "Phil," from Brick, and "Jack," from Point Pleasant as "The Three Bolsheviks." Well, last month "Phil," from Brick actually phoned me. HE RANG ME UP!! I gave my cell phone number on this blog. Did Phil want to yell at me? No. Did he want to bloody my nose? No.
He called to invite me to lunch. With Herb and Jack, too. You see, folks, we're ALL friends. Whatever I say, here (most of the time, that is), it's ALL said in the spirit of good, clean fun. "The Three Bolsheviks" understand that! Bob Levy? Hey, I once sent HIM a dollar bill, along with some advice: BUY A SENSE OF HUMOR!! So, he pocketed the buck, and trashed the advice! True story. As a close friend once said to me, "if you can't take a joke, WHAT good are you?"

extenze review said...

When is the National Prayer's Day in America?