Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 17, 2010

From the NEWS desk of Tom Mongelli:
Please take a moment to remember Joe Picuro, the Toms River iron worker who dove into volunteer work at Ground Zero after 9/11. The ailments he incurred overcame him for the last time early Friday morning. It should be noted that when his ailments became acute, Bob Levy took the lead in raising money for his medical care. The aftermath of the attacks plays out over decades. The only thing standing between a federal measure to help those many men and women pay for their care is a Senate vote. President Obama has already said he'll sign it.
Congressional debates continue around the shore in the runup to Election Day...
Anna Little and incumbent Frank Pallone, Sunday, Aberdeen
Scott Sipprelle and Rush Holt, Monday, East Brunswick - Eric Scott moderates
Jon Runyan and John Adler, Monday, Toms River - Ocean County Chamber, Ramada, Rt. 9
The same matchup, Tuesday, OCC - over our airwaves, on our websites - Eric Scott moderates
Other items of note:
Veterans Job Fair, Thursday, Toms River National Guard Armory
Anti-Bullying Seminar, Thursday, Ocean County Library, Toms River
Police and corrections officers shine a harsh light on shore drug activity, 10/25, Toms River Elks Lodge
Biz-Connect Job Fair, 10/26, Brookdale Community College
All 33 Chile miners freed in flawless rescue
Two Ecuador miners dead; two missing
China mine blast kills 26 and leaves 11 trapped
Palin rallies California Republicans
Fire Department Watches Obion County House Burn Down
Deficit tops $1 trillion second year in a row
Ohio candidate defends wearing Nazi uniform
Plans For New Reactors Worldwide
World Nuclear Power Reactors & Uranium Requirements
Nuclear Power in the USA
Feingold opponent boasts, 'I've never been to Washington'
OCTOBER 23, 2010
to the Pioneer Hose Fire House
on Drum Point Road
from 5:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation
delivered 8 December 1941

Infamy Speech
12 Reasons to Support Health Care
Radio leaks alleged talk between Mexican drug lord and congressman
New Jersey Tea Party
New Jersey Tea Party Patriots
Welcome to the Home of The United Tea Parties of New Jersey
Linda McMahon
Toms River school chief Ritacco target of grand jury investigation, sources say:
Rush Holt


mikejsal said...

Obama learned about car company rescue from Reagan. Chris is a broken digital clock. He is stuck at 00:00 and never has it correct.

mikejsal said...

Maybe Runyan will hire Rosanne to clean up after the donkey on his farm.

mikejsa; said...

move the calls please !!!!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

mikejsal, "Chris," from Arizona (previously from Bayville and Cream Ridge) started calling Bob in the late 80's or early 90's, and was a STAUNCH anti-Ritacco force on Topic A. "Chris" once said, "you could bring in a copy of Playboy Magazine, into a Toms River School, BEFORE you could bring in a copy of The Holy Bible."
Ritacco has been a target for "Chris" for years and years. "Chris" is not so different from "George." They're BOTH zealots!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

I listened to bits and pieces of "Topic A," today, from the safe confines of Winding River Park, Toms River, on my car radio. I actually ENJOYED what I heard!! The caller in the nine o'clock hour, was it "Glen," from Forked River? He had Bob on the ropes about Bob's knowledge of the Constitution. Where in the Constitution is it written that Obama can FORCE a citizen to buy something (Healthcare)? I thought HE (Glen?) was good and persuasive.
Glen (?) took the regulars (Phil, Herb and Jack) to task for being
self-appointed stars of the show.
When I was a regular caller, THIS always bothered me: Was I calling because I wanted-to and had something to offer, or was I calling because I felt I was obligated? All in all, not a bad show, today!!

Anonymous said...

Spring Lake and Avon both heard from today, maybe we'll hear more good calls, as opposed to those from Jack and Herb.

Mike didn't get under Bob's skin even when he spoke about the hot tub incident again (which Mike originally mentioned about three years ago).

Bill, from Toms River said...

The eventual success (or failure) of a Topic A broadcast hinges on HOW engaged Bob is to the callers. If Bob decides to "phone it in," that particular Sunday morning, the show becomes a snooze-fest. Getting to eleven o'clock becomes a marathon, and not a pleasant sprint. Even though Bob wouldn't indulge George into a "conversation," he WAS nonetheless engaged. Bob even gave Tom, from Brick, a run for his money!! Tom, for those who don't know, came into prominence on Topic A during the First Gulf War (1991?) when he called himself, Tom, from Toms River. He actually started out as a serious caller, who Bob enjoyed hearing from. Over time, Tom moved into the lunatic fringe.
Now, he's just an annoyance (like me).

Anonymous said...

Can you hear it... the clock... Ritictictictictictic...tictacco!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Has ANYBODY seen Michael J. Ritacco???

The FBI is looking for him.

Well, I guess we KNOW what the lead story is going to be on "Topic 'A,'" this coming Sunday, don't we?

Oh, yeah, RIGHT: He's presumed INNOCENT until proven GUILTY.

Bill, from Toms River said...

The search for Michael J. Ritacco is over. He turned himself in to the FBI, at 11:30 a.m., this morning. There's a great photograph of Ritacco doing the "perp walk" outside of the FBI Headquarters in Newark, on the Asbury Park Press website. Ritacco faces an 18 count indictment involving fraud, among other things. A judge placed Ritacco's bail at $1 million dollars. Of course, Ritacco IS innocent until proven guilty.

JoeFromTomsRiver said...

Should be a very intersting (for a change) Topic A this Sunday. Will definitely call in for this one. Want to know if Bob will apologize to the people who used to call in and accuse Ritacco of shady dealings. These "just jealous" people have been vindicated.

mikejsal said...

Hope they have an auction to have the highest bidder pull the I-A- C-C-O off the building and move the R to the right of the T. I open the bidding with $100.00 . Bill, maybe Chris should have read more Playboy and less bible. He might not be as frustrated as he sounds. Also, can't take credit for the "HOT TUB" remark. I think that came from the bigot in Brick.

Bill, from Toms River said...

mikejsal, the acting Superintendent of schools was quoted at Thursday night's meeting as saying the removal of Ritacco's name from the Poland Spring Arena
will come about rather quickly. It just doesn't look right (with ALL that's taking place at the moment). It presents Toms River in a bad light, not that it EVER posed a positive image!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

"How the mighty (Michael J. Ritacco) have fallen." Sure, he's still innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, by a jury of his peers, but at the moment he's occupying a million dollar jail cell that he himself built, in Seaside Park. Hey, at least its got GREAT views of the bay and ocean! I wonder HOW Bob is going to respond to all those "jealous people," tomorrow morning, who called-in to complain about Ritacco lo these many years? We shall see!! I predict Bob is going to move calls, like he's never moved them before!

Bwahahahaha!!! said...

Wow, EIGHTEEN COUNTS, that's a lot of indictments, eh Bob?

Chris from Arizona said...

Hey, once again Mikejsal is stuck on stupid. The issue was the shut down of 789 Chrysler dealerships that were Republican supporters and one that supported Hillary and only one small dealer that paid less than $200 to Obama. This is worthy of a criminal investigation of the Chicago Thug President Obama