Sunday, October 24, 2010

October 24, 2010

From the NEWS desk of Tom Mongelli:

Clean Ocean Action Beach Sweeps, Saturday - Grab some gloves, waterproof shoes and a bag and get to any one of 70 spots along NJ's 127 miles of coastline. Some of the trash they collect is hilarious - they'll display it next spring.
Wounded Warriors Project Parade, Jackson, Saturday - Central Jersey Rifle and Pistol Club hosts this march through the middle of town to honor returnees from Iraq, Afghanistan, and America's other engagements. Everyone is invited to march, or just swing by and thank vets who will carry painful reminders the rest of their lives.
Governor Christie at Jon Runyan's campaign rally, Sunday night, Toms River Elks.
Drug Talk, Toms River, Monday - Elks Lodge is where local cops and corrections officers display samples of narcotics that kids can buy anytime on the street. Not a pretty night, but maybe a necessary one.
BizConnect Job Fair, Tuesday, Brookdale Community College, Lincroft
Millennium Shore staffers meet with Tom Gilmour of Asbury Park Tourism to map out a year's worth of spotlight on the city and its rock-n-roll heritage through 2011.
Ocean County health and education officials conduct their first joint meeting of the year Thursday, to determine most likely contagious health threats on the horizon and develop defense strategies for student populations.
Toms River Halloween Parade, Saturday.
Another NJ Corruption Bust: Toms River Superintendent Charged, Retires
A man long firmly in charge.
Toms River 'Beast from the East' gets 10 years
Corruption in New Jersey
Question of the day:
Are we born either GOOD or EVIL?
Candidates for Congress in the 3rd District Attack Each Other During Debate.
Keep in touch with New Jersey
"God created man in his own image"
Or did man create God in mans image?
The Getaway (1972)
2010 World Series
Energy StarGuard™


mikejsal said...

I can picture Chris Dodd on the bigot's lawn. He is strumming a guitar and singing "Spanish Eyes". No suprise the bigot would use his dog instead of "manning up". George wasn't at the debate at OCC. Guess he didn't want to see clueless Runyan getting spanked. I get very nervous when I board a plane and someone wearing apparel, or reading a book from one of the "entertainers, from fox news.

Anonymous said...

mikejsal were you at the debate?

Bill, from Toms River said...

In the final two minutes of "Topic 'A,'" today, Bob attempted to make a point: People have short memories. This Michael J. Ritacco case will soon be forgotten, just like the famous case twenty years ago involving Joseph Portash. Bob then proved his point by identifying Portash as the former city manager in Lakehurst. WRONG!!! Portash was the former mayor of Manchester Township.

Cell Block 6 said...

Unless they change the name of the Ritacco center, no one will forget.

And will we forget the Albocondo purchase scheme?

Ritacco's fingerprints are all over the place.

For those that don't remember Mayor Portash and the case, go here.
Note that Portash was never convicted.
That's smart politics.

Bill, from Toms River said...

Overall, I think that Bob was objective in his presentation of Ritacco's downfall, today. That, truly, is WHAT it was. The Teflon Man (Ritacco, nothing stuck to him), self-destructed right before our very eyes. Was Ritacco a born crook, or did he become one over time? Interesting question. I opt for the latter. I don't think Ritacco was a crook when he first entered a classroom at East Dover Elementary School, back in 1970. He worked hard, he got things done, and then entitlement issues got to him. He wanted MORE! Maybe Bob was right about the mid-life crisis idea, too. In the words of the Gordon Gekko character (as portrayed by Michael Douglas) in the movie, "Wall Street:" "Greed IS good." Obviously, Michael J. Ritacco took THOSE words to heart. Now, let's get his name OFF of the Poland Springs Arena!! THAT is what got regular folks upset at him. It WAS unseemly to put the name of a still-living public figure on the side of a building that HE, himself, built. Where was common sense?? Bob was right, this morning, when he admitted to being embarrassed, last April, when he had Ritacco on his show (for what, seventeen minutes?) to comment on the raid on his home (and office) by FBI agents. All Ritacco did was talk about his achievements. He was like a politician campaigning for public office. There's a song in the Broadway musical, "Chicago," that says it all: "Give 'em the old razzle-dazzle." That's WHAT Ritacco did, last April, give us "the old razzle-dazzle." Hey, Mike, see if "the old razzle-dazzle" works in prison!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Of ALL days to schedule an "info-mercial," Bob HAD to schedule it, today. I wonder HOW many listeners drifted away during the ten o'clock hour? I DID!!

mikejsal said...

Which anonymous wants to know if I was at the debate ?

Anonymous said...

You just answered, thanks!

mikejsal said...

So much for dialogue. You can run anonymous. But you cannot hide. Some people heard the debate live on the radio and it was also live on OCC TV. You must have super powers if you know where I was during the debate. What do you call a warlock with no balls ? A witch or in this case anonymous.

Denny from Brick said...

I think Levy did a great job in what had to be a disheartening situation. He has always admired Ritacco and has said so. Ever had someone let you down? I have and it hurts. Levy made it very clear that Ritacco is "toast". Now the intrigue is what direction is Ritacco going to go? Will he take the hit alone or will he sing to catch a break.

Bill, from Toms River said...

"...what direction is Ritacco going to go?" (Sink alone or sing like a canary?)

- Denny, from Brick.

There's an old saying, "there's no honor amongst thieves." My guess is they'll soon fall all over themselves to rat each other out.

Denny from Brick said...

I think the BOE should all resign. Too much nepotism and complicity. Before this is done I think a few of these people may also be called to task. If they knew about the hanky-panky they are guilty. If they had no idea they are either really gullible or totally incompetent. Either way they should be removed. Shouldn't be too hard to walk away from a civic duty with no "remunerations" should it?

Bill, from Toms River said...

Denny, I read in the Asbury Park Press that there was SO MUCH nepotism on the Board of Education, there were times that a vote couldn't be taken because they couldn't reach a quorum because of conflicts of interest.

mikejsal said...

BIG MAMA TEABAGEE coming to TR. All the old pasty white guys (i.e anonymous bloggers) will be on Washington Steet with a pocket full of viagra. And you thought the parade from the night before was GRUESOME. Can't wait to ask Sara what publications she's reading. Wait, that's a GOTCHA question.

Bill, from Toms River said...

mikejsal, your information regarding Sarah Palin's visit to Toms River, Sunday, at 8:00 pm, is outdated. The Asbury Park Press is reporting, today (Saturday, October 30), that Ms. Palin probably WILL NOT be aboard the tour bus that will make a stop at Toms River Town Hall.

JoeFromTomsRiver said...

Hey Mike, "old pasty white guys" aren't relegated to the tea party. I hear plenty of them on the liberal side calling Bob week after week. However a few of them probably don't need viagra, they just put on a youtube clip of Obama if they have trouble getting it up.

mikejsal said...

pasty white girl (aka chris) hasn't been the same since he picked up larry craig at the airport. Joe put a nice spin on my limbaugh viagra joke and the pictue of bush jr in his fight suit on rush's nightstand. You didn't say which Obama is in the video. It could be Michelle. That is one HOT SOUL SISTER !!!!!!