Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11, 2010

From the NEWS desk of Tom Mongelli:
Jon Runyan opts not to take part in WOBM's Republican candidates' primary debate May 11th. Justin Murphy and Joe Rullo will debate anywhere, anytime. Jon's campaign manager reaaalllly doesn't want him in an unguarded setting. This isn't over, even after he tells me that Jon isn't available ever, now to infinity.

Long Beach Township Mayor Joe Mancini needs 230 more DEP beachfront easements completed before his phase of federal beach replenishment can begin. He's stressing. Hung up on three of us this week alone. That's okay, homeowners with water in their TV rooms will be much more fun to interview.

New problems at Oyster Creek we're probing - critics questioning operations and equipment. The NRC has commissioned a study of cancer rates around nucleaer plants.
Five Stafford police officers jettisoned in an economy move are suing the township, claiming that they've never seen documentation to support claims of budget savings.

WOBM's contribution to the 2010 Census as a Be-Counted site wraps up in just about a week, on the 19th. Ocean County is near the top of the response list in New Jersey. Next month, census "enumerators" start ringing doorbells.

Bill Dressel of the New Jersey League of Municipalities gives his views of local impacts from the next state budget in Toms River Tuesday, in a meeting with Ocean County mayors.
Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini does pretty much the same thing, the same day, before the Asbury Park Chamber.

Monmouth University Job Fair, Wednesday the 14th...Elise Perrine, Andy Gury and an all-star cast.
Poland holds tribute for dead President Lech Kaczynski
2010 Masters
Memo Hints At Gov's Death; Union Apologizes
Grandmother: Adopted boy sent back to Russia was violent
Unrestricted Warfare
R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World As We Know It
West Virginia Coal Mine Disaster
Justin Michael Murphy
Obama to Limit Potential Uses of Nuclear Weapons
US Leadership for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World
Contact of Ocean and Monmouth County
Help line 732-240-6100
For information about the upcoming auction next Saturday
call Marsha @ 732-740-0439
Impeach, expel Barack Obama
OBAMACARE, OBAMA ELIGIBILITY, March on Washington, Washington DC, Saturday, May 29, 2010, Obama not eligible

It's the law in New Jersey to turn your headlights on whenever you use windshield wipers. Headlights must also be used between one-half hour before sunset and one-half hour after sunrise, in bad weather (during rain, smoke, fog, snow and ice storms) and whenever visibility is 500 feet or less. Being able to see clearly while driving is very important. Always make sure your lights are in good working order and clean. Headlights help other drivers see you. Proper use of headlights is vital to safe driving. Parking lights cannot legally be used when headlights are required.
McCain's shocking war record - He crashed his plane 4 times
Q: How many planes did John McCain crash?
A: He was shot down in one jet.
He had an engine failure in another jet and it crashed despite his efforts to relighth the engine.
He crashed into Corpus Cristi Bay...crash cause undetermined
He clipped some power lines in Spain, but plane did not crash
He was in a jet on the USS Forestall that was hit by rocket fired across the flight deck from another jet.


JoeFromTomsRiver said...

Well Paul, it looks like "challenging" Bill to call in may have scared him off from even posting on the blog...

Paul said...

Joe, It wasnt my intention to "challeng" Bill,I just wanted him to know that there are alot of new topics out there that could use the views and opinions of true Americans instead of dwelling on the past and playing the "blame game". Its over....move on......and nobody is going to hit anybody.....what is this? 5th grade?

Bill, from Toms River said...

Paul said, "...the blame game. It's over...move on...and nobody is going to hit anybody...what is this? 5th grade?"

Paul, I've been HERE since 1980. Ask Bob about "Operation Pride." I was there, too. Sometimes "Topic 'A,'" resembles Kindergarten!!

Paul said...

LOL...You got me there Bill.