Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4th, 2010

Happy Easter!
Happy Passover!
The Christian churches calculate Easter as the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the March equinox.
From the NEWS desk of Tom Mongelli:
* President Obama's approval of offshore drilling in the Atlantic near Virginia follows in line with former President Bush's decision to let the drilling moratorium lapse in 2009 - but the opposition is massive and still growing here in NJ. Democratic Congressman Frank Pallone in Belmar today to reinforce his coastal environment reform act. Environmental and business leaders are there.
* Will beaches be tourist-ready by Memorial Day Weekend? Stacy Proebstle is actually walking the shoreline, taking photos, and talking to the people who say they can overcome a winter full of storms.
* WOBM profiles of Jackson mayoral hopefuls continue - following Mayor Mike Reina, there are Councilmen Mike Kafton and Ken Bressi.
* H1N1's back - flareups in Georgia indicate that there could be a resurgence. Get your shot yet? * Lakewood becomes one of only five spots in NJ with a counseling center for combat veterans. NJ Dept of Veterans Affairs opens it 4/23 in the Parkway 70 Plaza.
Open Forum, Wednesday, 6 pm, 1160 WOBM-AM and
Assemblyman Joe Malone on the state budget battle (he's a ranking member), and retired Toms River pathologist Dr. Charles Harris on the traps to mind in the new federal health coverage plan.
Tiger's time finally arrives at Augusta
Obama says offshore drilling stance nothing new
The Imperial Cruise: A Secret History of Empire and War:
Jobs will lead us out of recession !
SENATE, No. 920
Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex.
Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the Nation
January 17, 1961
KBR, Inc. (formerly Kellogg Brown & Root) :
.Video: Interview with Doctor Who Allegedly Refused to Take Patients Who Voted Obama: I was Angry, Discouraged!
The Hurt Locker


Paul said...

I really thought Bill would have called in..........theres always next Sunday!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Huh? "I really thought Bill would have called in...there's always next Sunday!" Paul said. I feel like Michael Corleone, from "The Godfather." "Just when I thought I was OUT, they pulled me BACK IN!!!" Look, "Topic 'A'" has CHANGED since MY heyday. It's ALL partisan politics, these days. Back in MY day, it was local things: Traffic, handicapped parking spots and shopping carts blocking parking spaces. When's the last time that Bob had Roden Lightbody on his show? Back in the day, Bob would have Roden on on Memorial Day Weekend, and Labor Day Weekend. WITHOUT FAIL!!! I'm sorry, I don't understand "Topic'A,'" anymore. Now it's been hijacked by the Three Bolsheviks: "Phil," from Stalingrad, "Jack," from Leningrad and "Herb," from Moscow!!! LEFTIES, ALL!!! What happened to Fair and Balanced Reporting??? WHY is Bob ALWAYS talking about Iraq? Afghanistan? WHAT does he KNOW about such places??? How many Security Council briefings has Bob had? How many briefings by the Joint Chiefs of Staff? President Obama said he'd have us OUT of Iraq, Afghanistan and Gitmo.
WE'RE STILL THERE!!! Huh? Maybe Bushie KNEW what he was doing!!!
Bob says, "even if Iraq turns out to be the most Democratic country on earth, it wasn't worth the loss of EVEN one American life." Then, again, Bob is watching HBO'S "The Pacific," a World War II series, where we lost THOUSANDS of men in a single day!!! It's ALL about perception, Bob!!! When I called you "Baghdad Bob," I was being sarcastic. It was satire. I was just tweaking your nose! Problem is, you don't understand sarcasm and satire. Remember, I even sent you a greeting card, with a dollar bill, inside, and a message that said, "here, BUY a sense of humor!"
But, YOU took it seriously! You ripped me a NEW A-hole, every chance you got. Once, you announded on-the-air that YOU were gonna' punch me in the mouth IF you EVER met up with ME on the street. I recorded that threat! I gave it to my lawyer. I told him if I EVER turned-up missing, he was to turn the tape over to the District Attorney. "Baghdad Bob?" How many telephone calls did THAT epithet generate for your show? Two weeks ago, you found yourself without a call at 10:30 in the morning. Suddenly, a caller appeared who wanted to talk about "Fred," from Lacey, and "Trailer Park Bill." YOU NEVER THANKED ME FOR THE TELEPHONE CALLS I GENERATED FOR YOU!!! As Frank Sinatra once sang, "that is WHY the lady (gentleman?) is a tramp."

Bill, from Toms River said...

Once on Bob's show, he called ME "a phony and a bum." Hey, I plead guilty to the "bum" charge, but I ain't no phony!!! As Popeye said, I am what I am.

Bill, from Toms River said...

Yeah, I got about five year's worth of crap to get OFF my chest!
I NEED this crap about as much as I NEED a root canal, too!! In 2006, I spent three months in a VA hospital for severe depression. When I got back, I heard Bob Levy telling me that IF he EVER encountered me on the city street, he was going to punch me in the mouth!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

"Phil," from Stalingrad, "Jack," from Leningrad and "Herb," from Moscow have been steering this show for the better part of five (5) year's now. "Chris," from the Desert has lost his mind (and THAT'S a terrible thing to lose!).
"Fred," from Lacey is NOWHERE to be found. "Eleanor," from Toms River NEVER called, back, after Bob hung up on her on the air. "Jimmy," from Bayville is making MUCHO money on Wall Street (so I hear), and "Robert," from Toms River just folded his cards. "Trailer Park Bill?" He ain't half the man he USED to be, and he was no great shakes, back then! Why did Bob give "Jerry," from Beachwood the heave-ho? You know WHAT the problem is? I'll tell 'ya WHAT the problem is: Bob wants to manage HIS show. That means he ONLY wants to talk to callers he can say, "yes," "you're right" and "uh-huh," too. Callers that require WORK (see "Chris," from the Desert) have to get dumped, or at least marginalized. Is it ANY wonder that I'm getting pressure to return to the "Topic 'A,'" airwaves???!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

I hear partisan political bickering when I tune into to Fox. Yeah, I watch Fox from time to time. Glenn Beck's a funny guy! Bill O'Reilly is a blowhard. Sean Hannity is a demagogue. On MSNBC, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann are Commies! CNN? Nobody watches CNN, anymore. I can understand WHY pundits and politicians are married to their party, but WHY us? Lay people? Where's OUR vested interest? After hearing about it, ALL WEEK, I don't want to hear about it, again, on a local radio show. Let's face it, our infrastructure, here, in Ocean County STINKS!! How come NOBODY talks about it??!!
The economy STINKS!! One out of every ten people is without a job.
Gas prices are rising. Grocery store prices are rising. Department store prices are rising.
People are frustrated and angry. Marriages (HA! HA!) are breaking-up. Tiki Barber!!! Children are being neglected.
Seniors have to choose between eating, and taking their meds. TAXES!!! We're being taxed to the max, now!! Democrats want to increase taxes, to pay for their Healthcare bill. Democrats want to increase the size of government, too. The average Middle-Class family CAN'T make ends meet, anymore!! What to DO about illegal immigration??? The Chinese own OUR markers, now. They own US, now!! Congress is a debating club, now. Left versus right. Democrat versus Republican.
Liberal versus Conservative. Partisan. Polarized. Now, we have tea parties!! 800 or 900 of 'em! As Abraham Lincoln once said, "A house divided cannot stand." We're divided, all right!

Bill, from Toms River said...

WHY are we building new professional sport's arenas and stadiums, when we are STILL riding around on roads that were built during the Great Depression? Routes 9, 33, 34, 35, 66, 70 and 72? The bridges that go over them are equally as old.

Bill, from Toms River said...

Before he went MAD (!!!), Bob Levy USED to talk about, "sooner or later, EVERYTHING will come to a grinding halt." Hey, 'ya hear that great, big grinding noise that I hear??

Bill, from Toms River said...

Before he went MAD (!!!), Bob USED to talk about, "sooner or later EVERYTHING is gonna' come to a grinding halt. Hhhhmmmm? Hear that? That grinding noise!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

How long can we continue to borrow from TOMORROW'S generations, to pay for things that we NEED, now??!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Well, it figures. As soon as I become eligible for Social Security benefits, IT GOES BROKE!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Yeah, me, too, I can't WAIT to hear HOW "Phil," from Stalingrad "spins" THIS, next week!

Bill, from Toms River said...

What do 'ya call Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid at the bottom of the ocean?

ANSWER: A good start!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

What makes Sarah Palin tick? Why does she want to be President of the United States, when being Governor of Alaska bored her???!!!
I don't "get" people that WANT a pressure-cooker job that pays 'em peanuts!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

A few, short weeks ago, Glenn Beck asked THIS question on his show:

In 1776, this country was a rural land of less than four million souls. Yet, we had George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Adams, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton in it. Today, we're a mostly urban country of three hundred million, and the best we can do is Barack Obama and Sarah Palin!! Where ARE today's "Founding Fathers?"

JoeFromTomsRiver said...

Bill- correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't all the "ex-callers" you mentioned stop calling ON THEIR OWN??

I'll say it again, you gotta call in instead of ranting and raving on this little blog that is read by very few. It'll be radio gold if you call in and confront Bob about saying that he would punch you in the face if he saw

Anonymous said...

Okay Bill, enough of this blah blah blah relive the ole festering history crap. GET OVER IT!! Either man up and call in or stop blogging your frustrations on a blog that (Baghdad) Bob doesn't even knows exists. Peace out!!