Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4, 2010

July 4th, 2010
Independence Day (United States)
2010 FIFA World Cup
General David Howell Petraeus
General Petraeus Passes Out in Hearing
Jonathan Pollard
BP Oil Spill: World's Largest Oil Skimmer Arrives in Gulf of Mexico
Troubled Opportunity Scholarship Act Still Hanging Fire In Trenton
Wayne's failure to serve in the military during World War II.....
The other side:
Should the death penalty be allowed?
"The Blue Comet"
Keep those comments coming!


mikejsal said...

My favorite call so far is the woman who grew-up with "BLACK" people in Newark. She made it out. It is so hard being WHITE. You should be so proud of yourself'

Walt from Island Heights said...

Has anyone but me
noticed the turnaround in Bob Levy's attitude over the past two weeks? All of a sudden he's upbeat, polite, relaxed, and seems genuinely interested in what each caller has to say. He doesn't cut anyone off and appears to be thoroughly enjoying himself, his callers, and his show. Hmmm, could he be on Happy Pills,and if so, I wonder where he gets them, 'cause I'd really like to give them a try.

LisaB said...

Walt: I don't believe it was Happy Pills that turned Bob around. I think it was the comments in the June 20th Blog that provided the wake-up call. Bob read them, realized they were right and,to his credit, vowed to mend his way. Kudos to you Bob, it takes a big man to admit, if only to himself, that he was wrong; you did and you've got a much more entertaining Topic A to show for it.

Anonymous said...

Oh oh, I see TROUBLE ahead in the Blog - BILL HEYER'S not going to like all these NICE THINGS people are saying about Bob Levy !

LisaB said...

Now that Bob Levy appears to have changed his ways, maybe, like old soldiers who never die, Bill Heyer will just - FADE AWAY.

Anonymous said...

Bob is toast, and an old piece of toast at that!!

as As Bob would say, if you don't state your name, your spineless in NJ said...

Hmmm, now let's see Bob has seen the light, changed his ways, loves ALL his callers. If anyone listened to last Sunday's show, let's just say... YAWN... BORING!!! He just didn't have anyone call that really pissed him off, otherwise you have gotten the same old rude, nasty, curmudgeon Bob.

mikejsal said...


Bill Heyer said...

Bob's memories of the famed Blue Comet railroad train are as foggy as a London street. He says he rode The Blue Comet all the way to Florida. The Blue Comet website says that it ran from Jersey City, to Atlantic City, until it came to the end of the line, in 1941. Bob says that the New York Giants baseball team arrived in Lakewood, New Jersey, for spring training (These were the war years) aboard The Blue Comet. According to the New York Giants own website, the Giants trained in Lakewood from 1943 to 1945. Again, The Blue Comet stopped running in 1941. It's about time that Bob got computer savvy!

Bill Heyer said...

LisaB, just like an old Leopard can't change its spots, Bob Levy can't change his ways. Bob's been on vacation, is all. Never fear, the old, miserable, curmudgeonly Bob Levy will be back before you can say, "the root cause of all the world's problems, is overpopulation."

:LisaB said...

Bill Heyer: If Bob makes nicey nice for the next two weeks will you concede that maybe he has changed ?

Bill Heyer said...

LisaB, I've KNOWN Bob Levy for 30 years. This is as good as it's gonna' get! By the way, WHY is it SO important to you??!!

LisaB said...

Bill Heyer: In all honesty, it's really NOT so important, for some reason, I just get the urge to tease you - holey komoley, I just realized, if I have nothing better to do than that, looks like maybe it's ME who ought to get a life.

Bill Heyer said...

LisaB, "holey komoley?" Did you mean, holey moley? Sorry 'bout that, I was just channeling Bob Levy. He's SO literal! Say something like, "everybody does it," and he'll confront you with, "no, everybody DOESN'T do it. Some people do it, some of the time, but EVERYBODY doesn't do it, all of the time." Drives me crazy! Once (back when WE were buds) Bob had some dead air on his show. He explained to his audience that he was drinking SO MUCH coffee, on the show, that he returned from a commercial break, late. You know, pee breaks! I was on hold to speak to him at the time. When he took my call, I told him, "you can't BUY coffee."
Bob got angry (gee, I can't believe THAT!), he demanded to know WHAT I meant by that? I replied, "you can't BUY coffee, Bob, you can only RENT it." What did Bob do? He hung up on me!!!
True story!!! Another time I found a book in BDalton's Bookstore (now defunct) in the Ocean County Mall. A paperback picture book of Ocean County, with LOTS of photographs of places in Ocean County, taken "back in the day." Turn of the 20th Century, that sort of thing. I bought it and brought it down to Bob's radio studio, and gave it to him before he went on the air. Bob thumbed through it awhile, making all kind of "oohs" and "aahs," as he turned the pages. When he was done, he turned to me and said, "all the people in this book are dead." I was devastated! Here I thought I brought him something to make him happy, and the result was just the opposite! Bob IS the most miserable and morose human being that I EVER met! He USED to say on his show that he didn't like to go on vacation, because he HAD to take himself along!! Back in the early 90's (1992, 1993?), Bob became obsessed with a guy named George Anderson. Anderson wrote a best-selling book entitled, "We Don't Die." Anderson could speak to, and receive messages from, the dead. Yeah, cue up "The Twilight Zone" theme song! Anyway, Bob couldn't get enough information about this Anderson fellow, to satisfy his morose interest in the dead. I called him up (yeah, back when we were speaking) to tell him I taped a segment of the Robert Stack TV series, "Unsolved Mysteries," and it featured George Anderson. Bob was SO EXCITED, he kept asking me, "how can I get it, can you bring it down to the station, NOW?" So I did. A VHS tape. George Anderson on one side, Bill Clinton's 1993 Inaugural Address on the other side. I wanted to save it for posterity. I never saw it, again!
Now Bob seems obseessed with God.
You know, "the ONLY thing that can save us, is Divine Intervention!"

Bill Heyer said...

About five or six years ago, Bob was celebrating his 25th anniversary on "Topic 'A.'" This is about the time our "listener friend" relationship was souring. I got a hold of my buddy David Hinckley, at The New York Daily News, and told him about Bob. David writes a radio column for The Daily News. 'Lo and behold David wrote a nice write-up regarding Bob's up-and-coming 25th anniversary, and he published it that Sunday. Don't you know "Phil," from Brick, spotted it and brought it to Bob's attention. Again, I thought it would make him happy. Bring a smile to his face. God knows, the station didn't do anything to celebrate the anniversary! When Bob found out that it was me who was behind it, he got nasty about it on the air. That's Bob. The ONLY person I know of who can brighten a room, just by leaving it!!

Bill Heyer said...

Back in 1996, Bob gave me a personal invitation to come back, and co-host "Topic "A'" with him.
So I did. This particular Sunday, Bob took a call from "Eleanor," from Toms River, who was hands-down the BEST CALLER that Bob EVER had. I mean, she didn't suck-up to Bob the way that the "Three Bolsheviks" (Phil, Herb and Jack) do. I was sitting, there, to Bob's left. Anyway, "Eleanor" called to wish Bob a Happy Birthday, and when she did, Bob hung up on her!! "Eleanor" NEVER called up, again! I was LIVID, as she was my favorite caller!!

Bill Heyer said...

About five or six years ago, the tempo of Bob's show began to change. DRASTICALLY!!! You long-time listeners KNOW what I'm talking about. From a local show about traffic, the misuse of handicapped parking spots and people leaving their grocery store shopping carts in parking spaces and traffic lanes TO, "George W. Bush is a fink, this war on terror is wrong and we gotta' elect this young fellow, Barack Obama." The SAME things we were hearing on CNN, MSNBC and the NBC Nightly News, with Brian Williams. So, to counter this Lefty nonsense, I started calling Bob (facetiously, of course!), "Baghdad Bob." Like the, "you can't buy coffee, you can only rent it" joke, Bob didn't get it! Bob's literal, he doesn't GET sarcasm and satire. When I realized that Bob was really pissed, I sent him a Hallmark greeting card, inserted a dollar bill and wrote on the card, "buy a sense of humor." Well, Bob pocketed the dollar bill, and said on the radio, "if I EVER run into him (meaning me), I'm going to punch him in the mouth." Bob LIKES to dish it out, but he CAN'T take it!

LisaB said...

Bill Heyer: I was wrong for trying to “tease” you into changing your attitude towards Bob Levy. I had no right to do so. I apologize profusely and hope that you’ll accept it in the spirit in which it is given. I have just finished reading every comment you have made in every blog going all the way back to March. I am most impressed by your writings and feel that I have a pretty good feel for where you’re coming from and why. If you ever do feel like calling Bob at Topic A, and whether you do or not is entirely your business and no one else’s, there is just one thing I’d like you to keep in mind, and that is, that Marianne Levy was totally out of order in asking you to promise that you would never again call Bob at Topic A – what nerve, what out and out gall. Believe me Bill, it would be a cold day in hell that I’d ever agree to such an outlandish request and urge you to forget all about the promise you made to a request that she had no right to ask for.

Bill Heyer said...

LisaB, Thank you most sincerely for your most recent blog! You wanted to apologize for "teasing" me? Not necessary! It is I who should thank you for providing the impetus for catharsis. You know, a cleansing of the soul! I had to purge myself of some of my demons.
For a long time, now, people have been urging me to call Bob, again.
"Herb," from Toms River, yes, one of "The Three Bolsheviks," most noticeably. "Herb's" really my buddy, I just like to kid him with that "Three Bolsheviks" label. He understands! Bob's producer, "Paul" tried to get me to call, too. I resisted, I wasn't ready for it. However, YOU have succeeded where THEY failed. Maybe it's time. You know, I'm gonna' make that call, this Sunday (tomorrow). Bob's regular caller, "Walt," is gonna' have to postpone his LOOOONNNNNGGGG (boring!) walk to his telephone, because I'm going to BE Bob's first caller, tomorrow. FINALLY!!!
Anyway, enough about me, what about YOU? Tell me something about yourself? Do YOU call Bob's show, ever, have I heard your voice?

Bill Heyer said...

"The ONLY thing that can save us IS, Divine Intervention."

- Bob Levy.

Funny thing is, Bob's show didn't start out to BE, spiritual in nature. Yes, "Topic 'A'" USED to be preceded by a weekly church service, hosted by the Reverend Ainsley Van Dyke, of the First Presbyterian Church of Toms River.
Bob would get calls, from time to time, from devout people. They'd write brief sermons, or poems, and Bob would let them read it on the air. He wouldn't make any comments, though, except to say, "that was very beautiful," or, "that was very moving," or, "that was very touching." Then, he'd move on. Bob used to describe himself, on the air, as being an agnostic. Now, he's WHAT? Some years ago, after the show, I went and met him, and Marianne, at an animal humane center on Whitesville Road, in Toms River.
On his show, that morning, Bob asked listeners to bring something to the humane center (cat food, dog food, kitty litter), that sort of thing. It's a cause near and dear to Marianne's heart. So, I did. While I was there, I asked Bob WHAT he was currently reading.
He did better than just answer the question, he trotted over to his car, and returned with a paperback book he had just read. He loaned it to me. It turned out to be the first book in the popular "Left Behind" series. A religious novel, full of proselytizing. It seemed out of character to me for Bob Levy to be reading about the hereafter, and stuff like that.
He was into thrillers, and so forth. So I read the entire book, and was unimpressed. Not MY bag.
Now Bob is undergoing a transformation about God and religion on his show. Sorta' like he was in the 1990's with George Anderson. Is Bob becoming obsessed with his OWN mortality, or something? Listen, closely, and Bob is always (STOP being literal, Bob, about absolutes. It's just a figure of speech!) dropping clues with comments like, "you won't find ANY Atheists in a foxhole." A few weeks ago, Bob went off on a tangent about devout religious people versus Agnostics versus Atheists. He said he could undertand the first two, but NOT Atheists! Well, I just happen to BE, an Atheist. I became an Atheist on 9/11, when I saw the Twin Towers (World Trade Center) crumble on live TV! I mean, WHAT kind of God in Heaven would allow THAT to happen??!! In addition, Bob likes to talk about a Time Magazine article he once read. It was a BIG cover article about God. It said, "God is good, God is all powerful, bad things happen." You can reconcile two of the statements, but you CAN'T reconcile all three. In thirty-one years on the air, Bob has done a complete 180 degree turn.

Bill Heyer said...

In 1980, or thereabouts, Bob became obsessed with the litter problem in Toms River. The Fischer Boulevard jughandle off of Hooper Avenue drove him to it. Litter, garbage, it WAS a mess! He started a project called "Operation Pride." He got people (ME!) picking up garbage in their neighborhoods. Bob, himself, operated at his chosen operations center, at Bey Lea Park, near the police headquarters.
There, is where all the trash was neatly stacked after it was collected by trucks. It was a BIG operation, organized in a short period of time. Of course, it had failure written all over it, from the get go. I mean, funny thing about litter, it just re-materializes IF there's no thought given to daily maintenance. So within a couple of days, the litter, garbage and trash was back with a vengeance! Bob became depressed about it. Never, again, would he stoop over to pick up another man's mess!!

Bill Heyer said...

Bob Levy is a walking, talking dichotomy. He can be rough and gruff and tough but he's got a soft place in his heart for children. About fifteen or twenty years ago, he made the acquaintance of a young woman named Melanie Meyer-Levin, who had just started a charity she called, "Tara Mark." "Tara Mark" provided Christmas presents for children who - without it - wouldn't have a Christmas, at all. Bob would host a radio-thon, broadcast live, from Center Court of the Ocean County Mall. He did this for a number of years. People were asked to come down to the Mall, and adopt a letter written by an under-privileged child, who would ask for a certain present: Clothes, toys, recordings, whatever. Then, after adopting the letter, the person would go out and buy the present, and return it to "Tara Mark" volunteers who would then wrap it.
These gifts would be given to the child at a Christmas Party, that Melanie would host in her own home in ritzy and tony, Mantoloking. Over at Adelphia Cable (now Comcast), there was a rival talk-show host named Bob LaTorre, who hosted a half-hour TV show called, "In-Sight." Well, Bob LaTorre tried to do Bob one better in the charity department. For charity, Bob LaTorre volunteered to live up in the roof of the Ocean County Mall, UNTIL a set amount of money was raised for a particular charity, which I think was the United Way. Well, in things of THIS nature, it's better to be prudent. I mean, the Goal should BE a realistic one, as Bob LaTorre found out the hard way. You see, Bob became STUCK in the roof of the Ocean County Mall because his TV show didn't have as many supporters as Bob Levy's radio show. Well, Bob Levy and Kevin Williams came to LaTorre's aid. They both broadcast, live, from the Mall, until the Goal was met, and LaTorre could come down.
It turned out to be "I Survived 84 Hours With Bob Levy And Kevin Williams." Finally, with Bob and Kevin's help, Bob LaTorre came down!

Bill Heyer said...

In the past five or ten years, Bob has changed in his views on crime, too. I refer to this era as "The Wussification of Bob Levy." I mean, he USED to be a staunch law and order guy! He used to have a bunch of vigilantes who would call his show, from time to time. They were like a Citizen's Patrol, or something. They'd pile into cars, armed with baseball bats, and counter the crime they uncovered with smashing-in headlamps of cars. I'm talking small-time crime, here, littering, speeding, riding with no headlights on, failing to yield or not stopping at "STOP" signs or traffic lights. Well, THAT piqued Bob's interest, he wanted to go with them some night. The next show, the next Sunday, Bob announced that the legal staff at WOBM "advised" him that it wouldn't be a good idea. Remember, THIS was BEFORE Marianne.
Bob used to shout, "lethal injection" everytime (don't be literal, Bob!) a caller called with a crime horror story. There was a report in the newspaper about children running in schools. Bob's response? Shoot them! You might have to shoot one or two, but that's it; they wouldn't DO it, anymore. That became Bob'd favorite catch-phrase to EVERY problem: Just shoot one or two, and then it would stop. Now, he just seems to want to pat everybody on the head. He's done a 180 degree turn on crime and punishment, too!

Bill Heyer said...

Back in the early days of "Topic 'A'," Bob used to offer listeners and callers Tee-Shirts. These Tee-Shirts came with three different observations printed on them: 1) I Love Bob Levy, 2) I Hate Bob Levy and 3) I Have Ambivalent Feelings About Bob Levy.
In 30 years time, we've gone from THAT to, "know THIS, I'm Outta' Here!"

Bill Heyer said...

Ask Bob about "Lenny," from Manahawkin sometime!! I think Bob made HIM the Charter Member of "The Topic 'A,' Hall of Fame." Yeah, I made THAT club, too!!

Bill Heyer said...

Or, "Fred," from Lacey!!

Fred had "issues" with women.

Bill Heyer said...

"Chris," from Phoenix started out as either "Chris," from Beachwood, or "Chris," from Bayville. I forget which. In 1992, "Chris" announced on "Topic 'A'" that he would move his family to Canada IF Bill Clinton won the Presidential Election. Clinton DID win, and "Chris" moved his family. To Cream Ridge, New Jersey. True story, folks!

Bill Heyer said...

"Eleanor," from Toms River. My Hands-Down Favorite Caller. She suffered fools, badly!! Bob lost HER as a caller because she had the gall and temerity to call and wish Bob a Happy Birthday??!! He hung up on her!! I was sitting right next to him. Does THAT make ME an accomplice??

Bill Heyer said...

You know, I talked to "Herb," from
Toms River, last week. I kiddingly call "Herb" one of "The Three Bolsheviks." The other two are "Phil," from Brick, and "Jack," from Point Pleasant.
"Herb" told me that he had lunch with "Phil." and "Jack," from Jackson, at Charlie Brown's Steakhouse, recently. They want ME to join them, someday. You know I have NOTHING personal against "The Three Bolsheviks," but
they gall me, week to week, month to month, year to year by calling at the SAME TIME, every week! From eight o'clock a.m. on, it's become like a show within a show!!
They think "Topic 'A'" started with THEM!! They're "Topic 'A'" ROYALTY, or something! This "stuff" I just spent four hours recalling? They know NOTHING about it??!! They weren't, here, they weren't part of the show, back then! But they come on and act Holier-Than-Thou, now!!
"Phil" brags that he has his OWN audience, around the world, which is why he calls at precisely the same time, week after week! I wonder HOW "Phil" spells ARROGANT and POMPOUS??!!

Bill Heyer said...

Hey, "Phil," how do YOU like YOUR President, now??!! He reminds me of Jimmy Carter: Carter had the 444 days with the hostage situation, and Obama has the BP massive oil leak. It's like Deja Vu, all over again!

Bill Heyer said...

Let's see, WHO made Jimmy Carter a One-Term President? Ronald Reagan, right? Before being elected President, Reagan was a what, Governor, right? Gee, WHO is there that can turn Obama into a One-Term President? Sarah Palin? Isn't SHE a former Governor of a rather large state, too?? Again, it seems to BE, Deja Vu, all over again!!

LisaB said...

Bill Heyer: Good for you! I'll be listening, but remember, play nice.

Anonymous said...

Bill I look forward to listening to your call. I will also use my stop-watch to see how many seconds it takes before Bob hangs up on you.

Bob always starts his Topic A radio show saying callers can talk about whatever they want to talk about -- there are no screeners.

Bob then proceeds to show why it is called Topic A, by cutting off the people that have something to say that disagrees with Bob's way of thinking as a true apparatchik would do.

This also explains why comrade Jack, Phil and Herb don't get interrupted or censored. Heil comrade Bob.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,

I will be tuned in and so looking forward to here you call in tomorrow. It has been a long time. Sorry to here you and Herb are still friends as he gets afraid when a crowd chants USA, USA, USA as he relates it to Seig Heil (paranoid much, Herb) but huge crowds shouting OBAMA, OBAMA, OBAMA is okay.

I have been listening to Bob since 1982.

The early morning show was hosted by Kevin Williams and Steve Paul. Joe Rao was the weatherman. Kevin Williams favorite song was "Working Hard for the Money" by Donna Summer. Ah yes, the good ole days.

How about when Bob's flavor of the month was the conservative "Jimmy from Bayville". Bob even got him a short lived radio stint on WOBM AM (I never listened though). I think he later had a restraining order issued against him from Bob & Maryann never to come near them.

I will be tuned in at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, don't let me down.

Herb Germann said...

"Bolsheviks" - Haven't heard this term since my history reading days. But as you know the real evil, unAmericans are: "THE LIBERALS!" But isn't this just another label. My true label is: "HERB"

After reading all the tiresome blogs. All things considered, I would rather be out kayaking.

Bill , I hope you come back to Topic A - Just do not take it serious.
Herb Germann

Anonymous said...

If the blogs are so tiresome for you Herb (as are your calls), yawn, then just do us all a favor and Kayak away into the sunset and never call in again.

Bill Heyer said...

"I will be tuned in at 7:00, tomorrow, don't let me down."

- Anonymous.

Don't let YOU down? I don't even know WHO the hell you are! Do I owe you something? Do I owe you money, or something?? This is a matter between Bob Levy, and myself, and will be handled, accordingly. This brouhaha, this tempest in a teapot, has gone on, TOO LONG. "Baghdad Bob?" It was a sick, twisted joke that I started, and took TOO FAR! I should've put it to bed, five years ago. However, Bob started to get some mileage out of it. When there was a lull in the action on "Topic 'A,'" Bob would raise the issue, or a caller would raise the issue, and we were off to the races, once again! Personally, I'M SICK OF IT!!

Bill Heyer said...

The REAL "Baghdad Bob" was the Iraqi Information Minister under Saddam Hussein. He was a funny guy! Here are a few samples of HIS humor:

"There are no American infidels in Baghdad. NEVER."

(Meanwhile, American G.I's had the television station that HE was broadcasting from, SURROUNDED!)

"My feelings - as usual - we will
slaughter them all."

"God will roast their stomachs in hell at the hands of the Iraqis."

"We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels (???). We have driven them back."

You want more? Go to:

This is the REAL origin of "Baghdad Bob." To make a point (that went over Bob's head!), I took this funny, little man, and transposed him into Bob Levy. THIS is WHAT Bob Levy is SO pissed-off about, TODAY! FIVE OR SIX YEARS LATER!!! Oy vey!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't let YOU down? I don't even know WHO the hell you are! Do I owe you something? Do I owe you money, or something??

Wow Bill,

What part of rooting for you and wishing you luck tomorrow don't you get?

I have entirely changed my opinion of you. No you don't know me and I don't even know WHO the hell you are either. I was just trying to share with you a little bit of history of just how long I have been listening to Bob too. Did you not read my post?

Now I don't know who is the bigger jerk, you or Bob.

Looks like a good time to miss Topic A and just sleep in this Sunday morning.

Anonymous said...

Don't let YOU down? I don't even know WHO the hell you are! Do I owe you something? Do I owe you money, or something??

Wow Bill,

What part of rooting for you and wishing you luck tomorrow don't you get?

I have entirely changed my opinion of you. No you don't know me and I don't even know WHO the hell you are either. I was just trying to share with you a little bit of history of just how long I have been listening to Bob too. Did you not read my post?

Now I don't know who is the bigger jerk, you or bob.

Looks like a good time to miss Topic A and just sleep in this Sunday morning.

Bill, from Toms River said...

"Now I don't know WHO the bigger jerk {is}, you or Bob?

Me. Definitely me, Anon.

"Looks like a good time to miss Topic A and just sleep in this Sunday morning."

Great. You get to sleep, and I have to get up at an unGodly hour of the morning! You'll be listening, YOU'LL BE LISTENING!!


Because like me, YOU LIKE TRAIN WRECKS!!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Okay, time to get up. Gotta' go out and do some road work. Gotta' be mentally sharp and tough for when I square off against The Big
Kahuna, Bob Levy! TWO HOURS??!!