Saturday, July 31, 2010

August 01, 2010

From the NEWS desk of Tom Mongelli:

The first anniversary of the last big political corruption roundup in NJ goes by almost unnoticed. One of the suspects - former Assemblyman Lou Manzo - has been cleared on a technicality and is now going after Governor Christie about the timing...right before election season.

Somewhat surprised that Seaside Heights officials greet MTV's "Jersey Shore" with open arms? Consider: Almost 10,000 hotel-room bookings and about 90,000 meals for cast and crew in the past two years; lots of work for carpenters, plumbers and electricians as well as on-camera extras; and all of the Boardwalk businesses that are getting extra money in the tills. The garage door is becoming a shrine.

Looking into the last big month of summer:

National Stop On Red Week, first week of August. Is anyone else troubled that we now need a week to remind us to do this?
National Night Out, Tuesday 8/3. We used to sit on the porch to remind burglars that they can't expect to just break into our houses. Now, we go to parks and town squares for big celebrations and leave the houses alone while the
Open Forum, WOBM-AM, August 11th: The enemies of Beachwood Mayor Ron Jones rebut his July appearance on the program, and Jackson Mayor Mike Reina discloses that furloughs are just the start of their real budget troubles.
Thursday, August 12th, a joint session of the state Senate and Assembly environment committees in Toms River explores the possibility of tougher regulations for fertilizer use. Environmentalists say the popular quick-release type is flooding Barnegat Bay and other watersheds with nitrogen - marine life dying, algae flourishing and jellyfish abounding.

Chelsea Clinton Wedding Watch
Snooki Arrested in Jersey




Chelsea Clinton Wedding GUEST LIST:


Arizona immigration clash headed for controversial appeals court




Statue of Liberty





31,000 voices to U.S. House: Pull plug on Obamacare!



Susan Bolton

Susan Bolton, Judge Who Blocked Parts Of Arizona Law, Is Very Experienced In Immigration Cases



Strand Senior Idol 2010









Memo outlines backdoor 'amnesty' plan
Here are the 5th and 6th paragraphs from the Blue Ribbon link.

Said Assemblyman Joe Vas (D-Middlesex), Mayor of Perth Amboy and the Hispanic Legislative Caucus’s representative on the panel, “UNDOCUMENTED RESIDENTS have become an incredibly important facet of our nation’s economy and they deserve to be treated in a matter that is respectful and well-reasoned,” said Assemblyman Vas. “It's good to see New Jersey moving in a rational manner where the federal government has failed so miserably. This advisory panel is solid step toward fostering a constructive dialogue on the immigration issue. It will enable all parties to avoid the xenophobic and ill-informed hysteria that too often accompanies the issue.”

The Governor’s Executive Order authorizes the Panel to call upon any department, office, division or agency of the State to supply it with any information, personnel or other assistance available as deemed necessary to carry out its duties. As the Panel begins to deliberate on issues such as farm labor, DRIVING PRIVILEGES and other issues it deems necessary, the Panel will consult with experts in those fields.


Christie last week on WABC's "This Week" program


Bill, from Toms River said...

Bob doesn't even KNOW what day it is! I'm waiting, here, with bated breath for him to give the wrong talk-line telephone number, today!

Bill, from Toms River said...

WHAT is it with Bob Levy and "states rights?" READ THE 10TH AMENDMENT TO THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION, Bob!! You must've played hooky from school the day it was taught!

Bill, from Toms River said...


"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Bob Levy REFUSES to believe it exists.

Bill, from Toms River said...

'Ya notice that Bob Levy gives his favorite callers ("Jack," from Jackson) his undivided attention (he doesn't talk OVER them), but he treats callers like "Chris," from Arizona, with complete contempt??!!

Bill, from Toms River said...


CNN? Hhhhhhmmmmm???

FOX News? Hhhhhhhmmmmm???

"Topic 'A'?" HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!

Unknown said...

Phil is entitled to his own opinion but not his own facts. On the bill which would have given more taxpayer money to 9-11 victims the Donkeycrats ordered 290 votes for passage, this action would cut off Republicrats from adding any amendments. The Donkeycrats had the majority to pass any bill they want. This was just a cynical attempt to politicize the issue rather than just help the victims

Unknown said...

"O" by the way Bob don't let an inconvenient fact about undocumented residents, mentioned in the article, deter you from the so called "facts" that Corzine's Blue Ribbon panel didn't use the word ILLEGAL. Bob in the real world that is called duplicitous and an obvious spin on your part

Anonymous said...

I watched the interview with Christie last week on WABC's "This Week" program; and couldn't help noticing that the Governor who always jokes he isn't any good at math, says "I'm a product of the public schools in the state of New Jersey". -- (It's at the 5:25 minute mark)
But for the real interesting conversation, listen to Christie's blunt position on immigration at the 7:42 minute mark

Back in 2008 Christie said it isn't a crime to be in this country illegally. Christie doesn't have a strong record on prosecuting immigration violations. Listen to the numbers compared to the U.S. attorney in Kansas at the 1:57 minute mark

Listen to Christie bluntly say we should not make villains of people, no drivers licenses and other things we can't afford while campaigning for governor. (3:57 minute mark)

Will Christie end sanctuary cities? Christie probably will say we simply can't afford it.

Also if Bob reads the 5th paragraph of the Corzine Blue Ribbon Commission you have posted the term "illegal" isn't used, but undocumented residents.

Another name for illegal-aliens residing in NJ who seem to have integrated into NJ before the Blue Ribbon commission was formed, is undocumented residents.

Anonymous said...

Here are the 5th and 6th paragraphs from the Blue Ribbon link on Bob's Blog in full below.

Said Assemblyman Joe Vas (D-Middlesex), Mayor of Perth Amboy and the Hispanic Legislative Caucus’s representative on the panel, “UNDOCUMENTED RESIDENTS have become an incredibly important facet of our nation’s economy and they deserve to be treated in a matter that is respectful and well-reasoned,” said Assemblyman Vas. “It's good to see New Jersey moving in a rational manner where the federal government has failed so miserably. This advisory panel is solid step toward fostering a constructive dialogue on the immigration issue. It will enable all parties to avoid the xenophobic and ill-informed hysteria that too often accompanies the issue.”

The Governor’s Executive Order authorizes the Panel to call upon any department, office, division or agency of the State to supply it with any information, personnel or other assistance available as deemed necessary to carry out its duties. As the Panel begins to deliberate on issues such as farm labor, DRIVING PRIVILEGES and other issues it deems necessary, the Panel will consult with experts in those fields.

I am the Mob said...

Last call...

Professor Mike, "Republicans are more caustic than Democrats," Bob Levy replies, "without a doubt the Republicans are more caustic."

My vote for most CAUSTIC conversation today, was the one between Professor Mike and Bob Levy especially when the topic of SARAH PALIN came up (thanks to Bob, a Sunday can't go by that he has to mention Sarah's name). Not only was the conversation CAUSTIC but it was downright HATEFUL and VICIOUS.

No Bob and Professor Mike, it is truly you liberal/progressive hyprocrites that suffer from DCD (Democrat Caustic Disorder). Maybe they make something you can take for that.

Anonymous said...



Bob did give the wrong phone number today!!

mikejsal said...

Hey Jack in Point. Who do you like in Oceanport today ?

Bill, from Toms River said...


I didn't catch Bob giving the wrong talk-line phone number, today, but I did catch Professor Mike's call on my car radio. Do they have FACTS to back this "stuff" up? The other week, Bob declared car dealers as being the WORST car drivers, yet insurance actuarial tables show that computer engineers ARE, in fact, the worst drivers. Bob NEVER lets little things like FACTS , stand in HIS way!! When it comes to being "caustic," I don't think EITHER political party has a copyright on the term. I do know that Bob & his Stooges ("The Three Bolsheviks") are running a smear campaign against Sarah Palin. I think it's a foregone conclusion, now, that Sarah IS, the presumptive Republican Party nominee in 2012.

Bill, from Toms River said...

Sarah Palin is getting her Presidential ducks-in-a-row. She brokered a peace deal between her daughter, Bristol, and Bristol's husband-to-be, Levi Johnston. If she could do THAT, the Arab - Jew mess in the Mideast is a lead-pipe cinch!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Okay, I've heard enough. By that, I mean the manner in which Bob Levy moderates his show. He's certainly biased. He takes calls from The Right ("Chris," from Arizona), and others, and treats THEM with disdain, contempt and outright disgust. Then, he takes calls from The Right ("Phil," from Brick, "Herb," from Toms River and "Jack," from Jackson), and lets THEM say ANYTHING they want, without talking over them, and he actually bends over, backwards, to accomodate them. In addition, Mr. Levy demonstrates that he can't tell, from day-to-day, WHAT day it is! That's certainly documented in his blog, today. Also, he gives out the wrong talk-line telephone number, and that is documented in this blog, as well.
It's apparent that Father Time has caught up to "Topic 'A'." If YOU feel the way I do, do what I'm going to do, this week: Drop a line to WOBM-FM, and tell them HOW you feel.

Mr. Bill Saurer, CEO/President
92.7 WOBM-FM
P.O. Box 927
Toms River, NJ 08754

I think we deserve a talk-show moderator who can be "fair and balanced," don't you???

Bill, from Toms River said...

Correction. When I speak about "Phil," from Brick, "Herb," from Toms River and "Jack," from Jackson, I'm OBVIOUSLY speaking about The Left.

Bill, from Toms River said...

"Only dead fish 'go with the flow.'"

- Sarah Palin, interviewed by
Chris Wallace, on FOX News.

Bill, from Toms River said...

I think people who have been reading this blog, for awhile, know WHO I would choose to take-over the reins of "Topic 'A'."
As a matter of fact, I'm going to PUT it in MY letter!!

Bill, from Toms River said...

How "biased" is Bob Levy? He informs listeners to his radio show that "Topic'A'" can be heard on two radio stations (WOBM-AM & WOBM-FM), but he steadfastly REFUSES to acknowledge that the show has a blog on the Internet.
That's because dissidents (like me!) have discovered the blog, and WE have a VOICE, here!!! Bob, in his own words, would like to stifle
the dissent that can be READ, here!

Bill, from Toms River said...

Somewhere around 2004 or 2005, I wrote an Op/Ed piece for the now defunct Ocean County Observer. It was about the time that Bob and I started "drifting," politically-speaking. Bob read it on his show, that Sunday, and ripped me a NEW one, like only HE can! He told listeners that I SHOULD'VE sent it to the Asbury Park Press, because of its greater circulation.
Thanks, Bob, I intend to, now!
Bob, I still love 'ya, but I wish you were in Key West, enjoying your Golden Years!

LisaB said...

Bill, from Toms Rive said ...

Sarah Palin is getting her Presidential ducks-in-a-row. She brokered a peace deal between her daughter, Bristol, and Bristol's husband-to-be, Levi Johnston. If she could do THAT, the Arab - Jew mess in the Mideast is a lead-pipe cinch!!

Hmmm, looks like the duckies flew the coop .... Bristol and Levi have CALLED OFF THEIR ENGAGEMENT ... looks like someone OTHER THAN SARAH will have to solve the Mideast mess.

LisaB said...

Bill, from Toms River said ...

... but he (Bob Levy)steadfastly REFUSES to acknowledge that the show has a blog on the Internet.
That's because dissidents (like me!) have discovered the blog, and WE have a VOICE, here!!! Bob, in his own words, would like to stifle
the dissent that can be read here.

My God, why wouldn't he! I'm sure the blog wasn't set up so that you, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, could, multiple times a day, bad mouth and critisize him endlessly, on HIS OWN BLOG! So your nose is out of joint for something that happend FIVE YEARS AGO, forget it, it's over and done with, stop harping on it, there's more to life than Bob Levy ... FORGET HIM, he is certainly not thinking of you, during your recent phone call he told you that as far as he's concerned THE PAST IS THE PAST .... Bill - you've GOT TO GET HIM OUT OF YOUR MIND, find another interest, there is more to life than Bob Levy, believe me!

Alex from Bayville said...

To Bill, from Toms River …

It’s obvious to me that LisaB has your best interests at heart, and she’s right … if you want a happy and peaceful life, YOU HAVE TO PURGE BOB LEVY FROM YOUR MIND! 5 years is too long to have him in there …. GET HIM OUT! Bill - you’re acting like a lover scorned, and down deep, you’ve just got to know that your obsession is NOT HEALTHY. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that your derogatory postings are but an attempt on your part, to in some way, keep in touch with him. They don’t work Bill, he doesn’t read them, and even if he did, as he said, its all old news, all water over the dam, ALL IN THE PAST. He’s put it in the past, I respectfully urge that, for your own peace of mind, YOU DO THE SAME.

Anonymous said...

From the far left progressive Huffington Post:

Calderon: Mexico Drug Gangs Seeking to Replace Government

Calderon said, "Drugs are becoming less of a focus for the gangs, he said."

"Their main business is not anymore even drug trafficking, sometimes," Calderon said. "Their business is dominating other people."

Calderon told the gathering that some people are urging him to leave the cartels alone, after more than 28,000 people have died in drug violence since he launched an offensive against the cartels upon taking office in late 2006.

Bob poo pooed the 28,000 figure when it came from Chris in Phoenix, and then when lefty Phil (who reads from Obama's teleprompter verbatim) called and said this figure just wasn't true, Bob knew coming from Proglodyte Phil it just had to be (without ANY question) a FACT!!